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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Непосредственный мальчуган

Непосредственный мальчуган

Original Story: Chuji Nozu
Script: Ikeda Tadao
Photography: Nomura Ko
Aoki Tomio
Saito Tatsuo
Sakamoto Takeshi
Directed by Yasujiro Ozu
Today is one of those days that
the kidnappers go out...
Let me show you a good place to hide.
Mister... You look very funny.
Mister... Why don't you make
a face like a snail?
Hey you... Come with me!
I'll take you to an exciting place!
I wanna go home!
I wanna go home!
He's a good boy.
You did good this time.
Can you do something interesting?
I can make a hippo face.
But you make a face yourself first.
Try it again!
I can even act like Matsunosuke.
Forget it...
Take him somewhere else
or throw him out!
You must take lots of money
with you when we go out!
You brought such a pain in
the neck today! Take him back!
Why don't you make the snail face again?
I'm a kidnapper. You understand?
You can never be a kidnapper.
Hey! Mister... Kidnapper!
He bought these for me!
THE ENDWith the collaboration of Tokyo's
National Museum of Modern Art Film Center
This film has been restored in 35 mm
from a special copy in 9.5 mm.
The missing parts have been added,
except the one in the middle.
A Straightforward Boy
Directed by
Yasujirф Ozu
Today seems to be the right
time for a kidnapping.
Do you want me to find
a good hiding-place?
You're making funny faces.
Do you know how to make
the snail face?
Come with me. I'll take you
to a funny place.
I want to go back home!
I want to go back!
This kid seems very nice. Well done.
I underestimated you.
Is there anything you can do?
Yes, I know how to make
the hippopotamus.
But first, you show me something.
You know, I can also
imitate Matsunosuke.
Flattery is useless.
Get him out of here
and abandon him.
You must take a lot of money
when you go out.
Fed up of taking care of him,
the kidnapper is going back
where he got him.
Show me the snail face again.
You know, I'm a kidnapper.
You don't look like a kidnapper.
Uncle Kidnapper!
He's the one who
bought them for me.
A Straightforward Boy
Original Story: Chuji Nozu
Script: Ikeda Tadao
Photography: Nomura Ko
Aoki Tomio
Saito Tatsuo
Sakamoto Takeshi
Directed by Yasujiro Ozu
Today is one of those days that
the kidnappers go out...
Let me show you a good place to hide.
Mister... You look very funny.
Mister... Why don't you make
a face like a snail?
Hey you... Come with me!
I'll take you to an exciting place!
I wanna go home!
I wanna go home!
He's a good boy.
You did good this time.
Can you do something interesting?
I can make a hippo face.
But you make a face yourself first.
Try it again!
I can even act like Matsunosuke.
Forget it...
Take him somewhere else
or throw him out!
You must take lots of money
with you when we go out!
You brought such a pain in
the neck today! Take him back!
Why don't you make the snail face again?
I'm a kidnapper. You understand?
You can never be a kidnapper.
Hey! Mister... Kidnapper!
He bought these for me!

Читайте также:
- текст Чебурашка на английском
- текст Авалон на английском
- текст Спасатель на английском
- текст Кавказская пленница, или Новые приключения Шурика на английском
- текст Зеркало на английском

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