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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Морозко


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The young people oftoday.
What do theyteach you at school?
There's nothing tricky about it.
Good riddance!
Beat it,
before l turn you to kindling!
You rotten stuff!
Have mercy, lvanushka,
l'm sizzling, l'm hot!
A steambath never hurts, Granny.
Tell me, witch, where's Nastya?
How can l save Nastenka?
Hang in, Granny, hang it.
The firtree thrives and grows,
And laughs at winter snows.
ln summer sun and winter cloud
Stands the fir, green and proud.
The gales ofwinter blow sing:
''Sleep, little firtree,
''Sleep till spring.''
Where'd that marvel come from?
From home.
Are you warm, girlie?
l'm warm, Father Frost.
And now, are you warm?
l'm warm, dear Frost.
l'm warm, Father Frost.
That's a good girl,
a very agreeable girl.
Take my coat, dear.
And you, won't you be cold?
Me, cold?
A bird!
Don't bother, girl.
Don't bother, dear.
ln my scepter lies the power
that spreads the frost.
You're wicked, you're cruel.
l do pitythis little bird, too.
But whoevertouches my scepter,
will neverwake up again.
-What's the matter, girl?
- Goodbye, Father Frost.
-What's the matter, dear?
- l'm freezing.
Hey, myfast-running sleigh!
Hey, my magic ice sleigh!
C'mon, don't get cold, dear.
We are yet to dance
at yourwedding.
Ho ho ho, myfast slegh!
Feeling warmer, sweetheart?
Foryou not to get cold,
have a sheepskin coat.
Right! Bless your heart.
This sleigh is fast,
magically self-propelled.
lt will ride by itself,
will get you to Nastya herself.
The coat is almost new.
Don't forget to return it.
A nastytrick l've played on him!
Oh, howtired l am!
My back is killing me.
Whoa! My good sleigh!
Oh, l feel so bad!
lt's neitherfever, nor a cold.
lt's not an illness that wastes me,
lt's a wickedness that drains me.
l can't sleep any more,
l can't eat any more.
This stranger hurt me,
poor Baba Yaga.
l wanted to eat him,
but couldn't swallow.
lnstead l myself
ended up on a shovel.
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
come and have a little pat.
You've gotten silken fur,
you utter a giant purr.
You got to help me, you know,
run flying overthe snow.
And ruin lvan's bride!
Nowwe'll have a laugh!
Don't worry, little girl.
Everything'll be all right.
He will neverforget you.
Now l'll go and have a walk,
checking on the forest's stock.
See if everything is in order.
And you stay in charge here.
Don't feel lonely.
l'll be back soon.
ls Nastenka in trouble?
Where are you going?
Get back!
Where are you going?
Whoevertouches my scepter,
will neverwake up again.
This will not do.
We must sprinkle you with frost.
Oh, what a dimwit l am!
l'mjust an old ham.
l've left myfreezing scepter
at home.
Hello! Who lives in this house?
Who will open up for me?
lt's me, Nastenka, l'm back.
Nastenka, dear girl!
What a dimwit l am!
l'mjust an old ham.
l couldn't watch over Nastenka.
Good foryou!
l'll reward you the witch way.
Forthis kitty,
the cream, rich and meaty.
You've earned it, Blackey.
And forthis red devil,
the ham all deviled.
You've earned it, Reddy.
Hello, lvan, a widow's son!
Hello, Grandfather Frost.
Have you come for Nastenka?
She's asleep.
Why's she sleeping at daytime?
She's sleeping at nightime, too.
Forgive me, Nastenka,
for having hurt yourfeelings.
Please, forgive me!
lvanushka, how nice you're now!
-Am l really?
- Nicerthan you had been.
l've changed.
l used to be selfish.
Now l'm ready
to do good deeds.
-What is it on your cheek?
-What is there?
lt looks like
the bearfur's growing again.
l wasjustjoking, lvanushka.
Begone! Vanish!
You cheats! You spongers!
What shall we do?
Let's try it!
The other old men're stupid, too,
but you're the limit.
To drag your own daughter
to the forest!
To amuse Grandfather Frost,
to feed a pack ofwolves.
l'm mum, l'm mum.
l used to pull her by her braid,
and mywhole daywas made.
You've got no hairto speak of,
nothing to get hold
Морозко Морозко

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- текст Чебурашка и Крокодил Гена на английском
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- текст Буйно помешанные на английском
- текст Чёрная дыра на английском
- текст Жмурики на английском

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