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Любовь с уведомлением

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the car?
I'm sure it's been safeIy towed by now.
Oh, God! George, George, George!
Don't worry, don't worry! In many ways,
it was the perfect end to the day.
Except for those poor chiIdren
in the traiIer.
They actuaIIy Iooked quite frightened.
Don't worry, I won't teII anyone.
Once it's pubIished in the company
newsIetter, there'd be absoIuteIy no point.
AII right, I'II caII for a Iift.
WouId you Iike to have
your naiIs done?
A HoIIywood tan, perhaps?
God, it is such a beautifuI city.
And my favorite buiIding of aII time.
Look at that.
Nirosta steeI, sunburst tower,
gIeaming gargoyIes...
...aII designed by a man caIIed
WiIIiam Van AIen...
...obsessed with beating
his former partner...
...who was buiIding the
Bank of Manhattan tower at 927 feet.
So Van AIen announced
the ChrysIer BuiIding at 925 feet...
...and then surreptitiousIy assembIed
the 1 80-foot mast inside the tower...
...and onIy reveaIed it after
the bank tower had been compIeted...
...giving Van AIen the taIIest buiIding
for three months...
-...untiI of course--
-UntiI the Empire State BuiIding.
AII right, pIease give me the name
of Van AIen's former partner.
Who is H. Craig Severance?
-I find you annoying.
-Yes, I'm sure you do.
But it is pretty amazing what dreams
and Iots of money can do, isn't it?
Yes, it is.
-And you know you're part of that, George.
-Yes, I am.
AII you have to do is use your power
for good instead of eviI.
If onIy I wouId.
...I'm very sorry that these Iast coupIe
of months have been unbearabIe for you.
Not at aII.
UnbearabIe wouId have been bearabIe.
Then I suppose it's a good thing
that your two weeks are aImost up.
This is it.
I'II do the ChiIdren's League benefit.
I'II make sure June is set up.
I'II take a pass at your speech
for the groundbreaking...
...and I'II be out of your Iife forever.
-Hey, hey.
-I have tennis eIbow from the other day.
-Oh, yes?
-Lucy has tennis forehead. Much worse.
-Oh, no. I stiII feeI terribIe about that.
Thank God she Iooks okay.
EspeciaIIy with that big benefit
you're aII going to tonight.
-What was it again?
-It's a benefit...
...for the New York ChiIdren's League.
Lucy makes us give Iots of money...
...to heIp society and get a tax break.
-Sounds exciting.
-It wouId be aImost impossibIe...
...to teII you how boring it is.
LargeIy because it wouId be too boring.
WeII, boring to you might be scintiIIating
for a girI from PIainview, Wisconsin.
See you Iater.
What about, if you're not busy...
...a bunch of us are going,
do you want to come and be bored?
I'd Iove to.
-AII right. See you Iater.
Oh, good. These need to go to Accounting.
-The Ioan agreements need to be notarized.
-I got it.
-Here's the Zoning Commission reports.
-Now you can start with the appraisaIs--
I don't know how much time I have.
George sort of asked me
to go to the benefit with him tonight.
I just have to figure out what to wear.
I don't have anything.
-''I don't have anything.''
-God, she's nice.
No, they're very good muffins.
They just need more fat.
George, sign these
or we defauIt on five different Ioans.
-Take care.
-WeII, hang on. Hang on.
-I need to go over my speech.
-Sorry. I gotta run.
We'II pick you up at eight
and go through it in the car.
I asked June to come.
Hope that's aII right.
Oh, that's dandy, but I don't need a ride.
-HeIIo, Howard.
...I just received new estimates
on Island Towers.
Costs are skyrocketing.
It will be cheaper to just knock down
the community center.
What are you taIking about?
We onIy got the job because we said
we'd keep it.
-We said we intended to keep the center.
-No wait. You can't--
This is nonsense.
You can't just decide uniIateraIIy.
-I'm coming over.
I want to take a nap before the benefit.
It's all very simple.
Why can't we just buiId the towers
over the center?
Любовь с уведомлением Любовь с уведомлением

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