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Любовь с уведомлением

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Great. Yeah, me too.
Yeah, she smiIed obsequiousIy,
fIattered me constantIy.
She'd have no probIem picking out
an ottoman. ExactIy what I'm Iooking for.
A tad weak on the experience side, but--
We went out for a drink,
taIked for an hour.
She's a very cIever girI, you know. Sharp.
So you guys went out for a drink and....
She got nowhere to stay at the moment,
so I found her a room at the Grand.
And I invited her to the company outing.
Turns out she's a usefuI tennis pIayer.
WeII, I can swing a racket.
Yes, I know, at my head.
I've experienced it.
But Iisten, thanks to you
for finding her. Genius.
Oh, God! It's gonna hit us!
Get out of the way. Move!
-Mike, you aII right?
-Take it easy, the season just started.
-Thanks, George.
Next time, go to a Yankees game.
Hey, Iook, you're on TV.
I don't hear you.
I don't hear you.
-Nice one.
-Thank you.
-AII right. CooI.
Mine, mine, mine! Okay!
Come on!
Lucy! Oh, my God, Lucy, are you okay?
Do I have a concussion?
Ask me something.
-Name aII the Supreme Court Justices.
-Thomas, Ginsburg, ScaIia, Stevens...
...Kennedy, Rehnquist, Souter, Breyer,
O'Connor. Is that right?
How shouId I know?
Want some?
Thanks, I reaIIy shouIdn't.
You think she's a naturaI redhead?
You know, I was gonna give June a Iift,
and then Howard offered.
The fact that he Iiked her is
a big strike against her.
AIthough I wiII say she's
an exceIIent tennis pIayer. Very nice form.
-FantasticaIIy nice form.
-Oh, man.
IncredibIy Iithe.
What? I thought you Iiked her too.
No, I jus-- I think I just ate too much.
ReaIIy? What did you have?
Just a chiIi dog and some fries
and a soda...
...and a bag of some IittIe girI's
...and another chiIi dog
stuck in there somewhere.
Let's try and take your mind off it.
Heard from AnseI IateIy?
I'm sorry.
I've been thinking about this.
You shouId move on. Forget him.
PIenty of other pebbIes on the beach.
The worId must be fuII of men who'd die...
...to be with a compuIsive
eater who can't faII in Iove.
What? I've faIIen in Iove.
With whom, might I ask?
And no pets.
BiIIy Westhouse.
BiIIy who?
Westhouse. I knew him in high schooI.
Did you teII BiIIy that you Ioved him?
Did you say, ''BiIIy, I Iove you''?
It's not funny.
That Iast chiIi dog is reaIIy barking.
It's not perfect timing, I must say.
We'II be in the city in 20 minutes.
I don't have 20 seconds!
I feeI Iike I swaIIowed a cruise missiIe.
What--? What am I? 5 years oId?
-It's onIy a VoIvo.
-WeII, peopIe just don't go in VoIvos!
-I'II buy you another VoIvo.
That'II be the onIy thing you'II ever
remember about me.
I'II be the woman who went
on the front seat!
That wouId be hard to forget.
Okay, I have an idea. See that RV?
-That is our target.
Can you make it?
Therein Iies your saIvation.
-Yes, it's an exceIIent idea.
-It's uncIean! I can hoId it!
-It's a brain wave. Out of the car!
I can hoId it! George, I can hoId it!
I'm hoIding it! I'm fine, I can hoId it!
No! No, no, George, I don't want--
I'm not going. I'm hoIding!
Hi there!
-You aII right?
-Yeah, I'm good.
-You aII right?
-I'm good.
-My ankIe. My ankIe.
No! No, no! Oh, God! No!
Hi, there!
Oh, God!
Excuse me. Sorry to bother you.
I'm not insane, but my friend needs to use
a bathroom. It's an emergency.
-I'II give you $ 1 00.
-A thousand!
Thank you. Very sweet of you.
Thank you.
CIean, cIean, cIean.
Where are you guys from?
WeII, Kentucky originaIIy,
but now this is pretty much home.
Come here, babies.
What kind of miIeage do you get
out of this thing? It's an RV, right?
A recreationaI vehicIe?
Traffic's moving.
HoId it! HoId it! HoId it! HoId it one sec!
Honey, how are you doing?
Are you nearIy ready?
KiII me!
Look at that poor jerk.
Yes, poor jerk.
Whoa, NeIIy.
George, where's
Любовь с уведомлением Любовь с уведомлением

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- текст Дюна на английском
- текст Александр маленький на английском

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