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Ловец снов

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them getting out of our net.
Crash-landing or not...
...they'll try to get out
and spread the infection.
l always say they never visited a world
they wouldn't rather own.
They're up to their old tricks.
Using a standard grayboy look...
...with the innocent doggy eyes
and smooth baby-butt skin.
They project what they think
we want to see.
But l've had a look at the real thing.
You wouldn't want it marrying your sister.
-Difference of opinion about the Ripley.
-Really? Who has an opinion?
-Who do you think?
-General Matheson.
-Three-star General Matheson.
-When did you see him?
-They called me in yesterday.
What's the opinion
of those enlightened cocksuckers...
...who've never been near an ET?
They say the fungus doesn't take hold in all
victims. Some of them get over it.
And what about the shit weasels?
The ones blasting out the basement door?
Does Matheson think
folks get over one of those puppies?
Their theory is, they'll only grow in a small
percentage of the exposed population.
Do you like that theory, bucko?
l think it's crap.
So if you thought someone
had been exposed...
-...and you had them in your grasp--
-l wouldn't want them walking out...
-...to wander as they wish.
-Bucko, l think we're on the same page.
Pissing in the same latrine.
lf the Ripley gets out of this
pine-tree paradise....
Well, it just can't be allowed to do that.
l've quarantined the entire area.
-Nothing leaves alive.
-Roger that, boss.
Got Maples here, boss.
-Corporal Maples, sir. l mean, boss.
-l know who you are, Maples.
l handpicked every man in Blue Boy group.
Sometimes l wonder about my judgment.
-Yes, sir. l'm sorry, boss.
-Do you know the Blue Unit catechism?
-Yes, the B.U.C. for all buckos.
-ls Blue Unit part of regular Army?
-No, boss. Better.
-How does Blue Unit operate?
Under the radar. We do not salute, display
rank, say ''sir.'' A force unto ourselves.
-Regular Army compared to Blue Unit?
-Under what rules does Blue Unit operate?
-Rules of combat.
That's right, laddie.
When a soldier disobeys a superior's orders,
he puts everyone at risk.
And is to be punished immediately
by appropriate command personnel.
That's me. Capisce?
Now answer me one question
and you can boogie out of here.
But you have to answer honestly.
You were on containment detail at 0600
this morning, sector 1 4 of Blue Zone.
Did you allow a young woman
and her 4-year-old daughter...
...to exit the zone in their own vehicle
on Hickam Valley Road?
Colonel Curtis, she hadn't been in the zone.
She made a wrong turn.
She couldn't have been contaminated.
You know this for a fact?
Or because she told you so?
-For a fact, boss.
-Scout's honor?
Can you raise your hand and tell me
honestly that you know this for a fact?
Then do it, Maples.
Swear on it.
Scout's honor.
Scout's honor.
Stop your blatting, laddie-buck.
You just avoided a court-martial, boy.
You lie to me again,
you'll be facing a firing squad.
-Get him out before l change my mind.
-Let's get him out of here.
-Jesus, Abe.
-l warned him.
Could have gotten off
with a slap on the wrist.
-lnstead of taking his whole hand?
-He crossed the Curtis line.
He came into my house, told me lies.
-You think l'm crazy, Owen?
-A little.
l lost my temper there.
But that little worm did something worse.
The pretty mom he let pass this morning?
She's down at the barn right now
crawling with the Ripley.
Twenty-five years, Owen.
Twenty-five years l've been going out
to fight these alien bastards...
...show them they picked the wrong place,
knocked on the wrong fucking door.
And frankly, laddie,
the tank is running a little low.
Luckily for me, there's one bit of good news
in this blizzard of bullshit.
l have you. To lead the assault today
and to take over for me tomorrow.
-What are you talking about, Abe?
-lt's my last dance, Owen.
From now on,
Ловец снов Ловец снов

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- текст Большие неприятности на английском
- текст Мы - не ангелы на английском
- текст Лень на английском
- текст Артур на английском

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