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Лиловый шар

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s heavy.
Maybe we'll take him with us?
Thanks, I'd love to,
but I have a lot to do here.
Get on, Gerasik,
I'll give you a lift to the village.
Let's go.
Anyway, it's boring there, in your
future. Everything's been invented.
Do you remember now
what you meant to tell me?
Was I supposed to?..
I forgot.
Alice, we're home.
- Have you found it?
- Yes.
I must tell you,
esteemed professor,
that if it were not for Alice
with her, I should say...
We must immediately put
the ball in an insulated box.
Yes, I'm at your service, my colleague.
Alice, I remember what
I wanted to tell you.
Sorry, Uuuh, we're in a hurry,
the ball may explode any minute.
What ball? This one?
You can throw it away.
- Throw where?
- In the sea.
Highly esteemed magician Uuuh,
excuse us, but it's no time forjoking.
Uuuh isn'tjoking. If you can't throw
it in the sea, throw it onto the Moon.
But there're people there,
on expeditions.
Then Uuuh will throw it on the Sun.
Uuuh is notjoking.
Uuuh is notjoking at all.
Alice, I wanted
to tell you this.
Only love
can save the princess.
Goodbye, Alice.
The End
Лиловый шар

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