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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Левиафан


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that we had to stick a geologist
down there and turn that mine around...
I had no idea that you were going
to prove me a genius.
- Well, I'm glad you're happy.
- I'm ecstatic.
'Cause I can't wait
to get the fuck outta here.
I said, I really can't wait
to get back to exploration diving.
I miss the research, and...
By the way, I ran that check
on Dr. Thompson.
He has a few incidences
of insubordination...
but his credentials
are very impressive.
He pioneered several vaccines.
Well, this ain't the Mayo Clinic.
How'd he get down here?
A serum he developed
killed several people.
An accident, but it got blown
all out of proportion.
Now, look.
Things are beginning to move
very fast now.
If you're having a problem with him
or you need any help...
just say the word.
No, I don't think
it's anything I can't handle.
How are your stocks doin'?
Haven't you made your million yet?
Not yet.
- How's Tri-Oceanic doing, Bow?
- Got money in this tub?
Yeah. I signed up
for the stock option.
Last year when they lost a tanker,
the bottom fell out of their stock.
I lost a bloody fortune.
You take your money too seriously.
You're damn right, I do.
I'm not down here for fun.
Fun? Somebody talkin' fun?
Look at those white legs!
Hey, Willie, I'm sorry
about that little incident tonight.
You know, I just thought
a little humor might loosen things up.
Hey, watch it!
No hard feelings?
Nope. Sweet dreams.
I got a date with an angel.
Come on, baby.
Sit on my face.
Goddamn it, Williams! You bitch!
Look at my foot!
Look at my goddamn foot!
- I thought you'd find that funny.
- You think it's funny?
You're gonna think it's funny
when you eat this goddamn thing!
- What the hell's goin' on here?
- Look at my foot!
This bitch put a goddamn
sea monster in my bunk!
- How do you know it was her?
- It was her!
- Are you calling me a liar?
- That may be the size of it, Bubba.
- You two just pulled sea duty tomorrow.
- Bullshit!
Oh, geez! Will you pipe down?
You just got half a day.
Any more hoopla, it's a full one.
Ready to drill.
Looks like a nice vein of ore.
- Let's blow it.
- Blow this.
Charge activated.
Hey, Willie, remind you of anything?
Oh, yeah!
It looks like the mother lode, guys.
I need more light on that, seven.
Sixpack, you hear that?
We need more light.
All right, look.
My cable's stuck.
Sixpack, What's happened?
We've lost him.
Well, what are you doing?
Having a party out there?
Beck, I'm looking for him.
Shack to seven.
What's going on out there?
He's gone.
Williams, speak to me.
What's happening out there?
Sixpack, answer.
Oh, my God!
Come on, Williams.
What's the alternate?
Try 35.
Williams? There she is.
Williams, you hear me?
What's going on out there?
He's gone over the South Ridge.
I'm going down after him.
Watch yourself, 'cause we don't know
what the hell is over that ridge.
Come on, Jonesy, work it out.
- Sixpack's lost!
- Weren't they tied?
- I don't know!
- They're supposed to be tied.
- Come on. Let's go.
- Move it!
Oh, God!
What've we got?
- Tube worms.
- How's she gonna get out?
Bowman, What's the self-contained
air capacity of that suit?
Thirty minutes.
This is six to shack.
For Goпs sakes, why doesn't
Sixpack have his blinkers on?
The man could be two feet away
and on fire and she wouldn't see him.
What is this?
A ship?
That's Russian.
Are you picking this up?
Yeah, we got it. Can you open up
that picture a little for us?
- What?
- Leviathan.
- Bowman, run a check.
- Sir.
- Williams, What's your air reading?
- Twenty minutes.
We're gonna give you five,
then we're coming in.
Jones, Cobb, suit up.
I'm going inside.
Sixpack, answer me!
Baltic Sea?
What have you got there, Bowman?
The Leviathan. Currently with
the Russian Fleet in the Baltic Sea.
Currently horseshit. Currently it's
rusted junk, and we're lookin' at it.
Well, it's gotta be
Левиафан Левиафан

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