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Главная / Летят Журавли

Летят Журавли

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Do you get it?
- You're saying this to spite me.
- Why would I want to?
Because I'm married, I'm loved,
and you're still a spinster!
Stop it, Veronica!
Antonina lives near
the food shop,
in the little house next door.
Go over there and see for yourself.
Calm down.
I should do something.
When Mark comes home, you'll
have a talk. But now you must wait.
Sure, I must wait... That's all
I've been doing all the time.
That's enough!
May our lips benumb.
Words are futile.
They so often lie perchance.
And only our eyes
Will never dare lie,
Forever true their parting glance.
My eyes are now sad and dark,
As though therein a candle
was put out...
In Leningrad after my parties
we'd go for a ride,
from one part of the city
to the other.
Arrange for a ride now.
There's a war on, Antonina.
Cars are worth its weight in gold,
the gasoline is strictly rationed.
Get any kind of car! I beg you!
A fire-engine, an ambulance,
a truck... anything!
Let me hope where there's
hope no longer!
Just the two of us?
To the point of full abandon?
I'll see what I can do.
I love you!
Sorry, I don't dance.
I thought I'd tried everything,
but I've never tried golden
Look, a note!
- It's a birthday note for me.
- Congratulations!
Where's the squirrel?
Where's my squirrel?
Look, you mustn't think that...
There's a note here from
somebody named Boris.
My only one, happy birthday...
On this day you were born.
It's hard leaving you.
But it can't be helped.
It's war!
I must go.
We can't go on living the way
we did, enjoying ourselves
while death stalks our land.
We will be happy some day.
I love you, I trust you.
Your Boris.
Why are you so alarmed?
Go home. I'll be right back.
- Take your coat off.
- Thank you.
You know, all the Philharmonic
cars are being used tonight,
and I must have a car.
You're Chief Surgeon, you won't
refuse me this little favor...
Transportation is our most
critical problem.
It was difficult for me too,
but I did my best.
I went out of my way,
because you asked me...
- What I asked you?
- The exemption.
Now it's about to expire,
and this time to get it
will be almost impossible.
- What d'you mean, exemption?
- The exemption for Mark.
You can be sure I handled
the whole thing discreetly.
Could Mark have done it
without informing you?
He even offered me money
in your name...
I'm sorry.
I'm glad you're here, Uncle Fedya.
I wish you'd talk to her.
She burst in without being
invited, started a fight...
Shut the door.
Do you believe that anybody likes
having his son marching off
to war?
What do you mean?
Or do you believe that for your
petty pleasures and well-being
others must lose their arms,
legs, eyes, jaws, even their lives?
And you owe nothing to no one?
You know I've got an exemption,
Uncle Fedya.
Tell us how you got
this exemption.
What are you doing, Veronica?
It's all right. I'm going to rent
a room. And I'm taking the boy...
Perhaps someone else had better
rent a room?
Gladly. I've been wanting to
for a long time.
I wish you'd driven me out
in the first place.
You've been through
a terrible ordeal.
Only one who had done something
worse could have condemned you.
Stay with us.
I can't.
I cannot hide behind someone
else's back. I don't want to.
Think it over.
Listen, where can I find
the Borozdin family?
- Which one are you looking for?
- Feodor Ivanovich.
He is not in at the moment.
Are you from Boris?
No, I'm by myself.
I have to see Feodor Ivanovich.
- Won't you sit down?
- Thanks.
Feodor Ivanovich should be
here in a few minutes.
- May I go out?
- All right.
- Is he yours?
- Yes, he's mine.
He looks like you.
Are you a relative of
the Borozdins?
Not really.
Well, I've done all the fighting
I'll ever do.
Going home?
Not yet.
Leningrad's still blockaded.
- Yeah, I'm in a spot.
- Why?
I guess there's no harm in telling
you because you're not the family.
Летят Журавли Летят Журавли

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- текст Письма с Иводзимы на английском

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