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Главная / Кулл-завоеватель


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l could, uh,
sell her too.
You know, l thlnk
she cleans up very nlcely.
You dog !
Why, you--
You are not flt to wear
a flne lady's thlngs.
Dangle her ln the drlnk.
[ Screamlng ]
[ Laughlng ]
l'll klll you.
l don't thlnk so.
- Those ropes are strong.
- [ Yelllng ]
- Mmm.
- Plty your shlp lsn't.
Where's that sword ?
Where's that sword ?
[ Yelllng ]
Kull. Kull, come on. lt's me.
No, l was jokln'. lt was a joke.
Come on. Oh, boy,
you should've seen your face.
You should see yours.
Kull !
Pull out the knlfe.
Pull lt !
Kull ! l can't swlm !
- l can't swlm !
- Zareta !
Don't go anywhere !
Hang on !
- [ Crack ]
- [ Screamlng ]
[ All ]
Down here ! Down here !
Come on !
[ Metal Clanglng ]
[ Neck Cracklng ]
Not bad, prlest. No !
Zareta !
[ Groanlng ]
- Where the hell have you been ?
- Busy.
Glve me your hand.
Thuron ! Run our course.
Sall north.
Aye, Tlger.
[ Laughlng ]
Hey, Kull !
You can come back now !
- Kull !
- [ Men Screamlng ]
## [ Fanfare ]
[ Crowd Murmurlng ]
Cltlzens of Valusla,
rest assured that we wlll flnd the whore
who murdered our beloved klng...
and the lmpostor
that keeps her from justlce.
We wlll have thelr blood !
[ Cheerlng ]
And know thls:
Kull's legacy wlll not dle.
l wlll lead Valusla
lnto the future,
and our klngdom
shall relgn supreme !
[ Cheerlng ]
What's wrong ?
[ Enaros ] You squander
your affectlons on unworthy men,
when the one who
brought you back from the dead...
remalns your devoted servant.
You forget your place.
[ Shudderlng ]
[ Screamlng ]
[ Screamlng ]
The lsle of lce.
[ Kull ] The wlnd ls up !
Ralse the sall !
- Man the oars !
- Man the oars !
[ Boatswaln ]
Keep rowlng !
She should be
ln regal robes, not bearsklns.
She wasn't born a slave,
Your Majesty.
Borna sentenced me to death for heresy,
but Zareta begged hlm for mercy.
She traded her vlrtue
and freedom for my llfe.
[ Kull ]
Put some more torches on the deck !
[ Shoutlng, lndlstlnct ]
Keep your eyes open !
- [ Shlverlng ]
- Soon.
- [ Crashlng ]
- [ Yelllng ]
- [ Wood Spllnterlng ]
Ascalante !
[ Men Groanlng ]
Steer away !
[ Kull ]
The shlps that never returned !
Glve me your hand !
There ! The cave !
- Ascalante !
- l'm all rlght.
Valka !
Kull ! Look !
''What was false must be true.
Cause be the carrler
of Valka's mlght...
to defy unholy flame.''
What does lt mean ?
The praylng malden.
''Cause be the carrler.''
- Zareta !
- Zareta !
Ascalante ! Walt !
''Cause be the carrler.''
Aklvasha was the cause !
A woman !
Only a woman wlll brlng forth
the breath of Valka !
Tlger ! Tlger ! Tlger !
- [ Screamlng ]
- Kull !
l kneel before you, Valka,
to pray for your son Kull,
whom l love,
and though l am not pure,
my love ls strong.
Come, barbarlan !
l'm yours.
[ Screamlng ]
l see you've yet to master
a nobleman's blade.
[ Groanlng ]
[ Zareta ] Let me be the carrler
of your mlght !
Let me extlngulsh the flame
that mocks your rage !
[ Gasplng ]
Zareta !
Zareta, speak to me.
lt ls lnslde of her.
The breath of Valka.
So... so cold.
Zareta. Zareta must stand
ln the flame of Acheron.
That ls how Aklvasha
wlll be vanqulshed.
You can't have her.
Hah !
[ Groanlng ]
[ Flerce Yell ]
Huh ?
Ascalante !
Flnlsh what you started, prlest.
- [ Groanlng ]
- No !
- [ Gruntlng ]
- No !
You can't wln.
You already lost !
Everyone and everythlng you hold dear
ls doomed because of you--
an arrogant dog
who would be klng !
Come here !
Zareta !
Kull !
[ Gasplng ]
[ Groans ]
Ascalante !
Kull, lf Zareta dles,
the breath of Valka
wlll be lost forever,
and Valusla wlll become
a llvlng hell.
She loves you very much.
Such love was wasted on a fool !
l was bllnded by prlde
and greedy dreams of noblllty,
and now a klngdom
wlll pay the prlce.
Let me look at you.
Cold to the touch.
The flame dles.
Ah, yes, the prlest was rlght.
You wlll stand ln the unholy flre
Кулл-завоеватель Кулл-завоеватель

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- текст Вкус Сайры на английском
- текст Бобик в гостях у Барбоса на английском
- текст Код апокалипсиса на английском
- текст Вертихвостки на английском
- текст Дядя Бак на английском

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