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- Watch it, baby.
- Don't you know these guys, Spider?
- We oughta get married.
- Just wanna do some business.
This guy is nervous.
Does he speak English?
B Fuck, man.
B I can't believe this guy.
You do this every fuckin' time.
That one should have taken a Valium.
- Found you a present.
- Man, these things test your head.
These people trust me.
I trust you too,
but I want something out of it.
You're gonna get what you want, man.
B Hola. ї Cуmo estб, amigo? Soy yo.
B Abre la puerta. Йse es mi amigo.
- Tengo una cosa para ti.
- Catido, come here.
I don't like the way it sounds. Where's
that money? That's mine until it's yours.
These guys ordering me up the hallway.
He's got a gun up my ass.
I don't like people
that don't wanna shake my hand.
- I don't care where they come from...
- Shh.
I don't dig motherfuckers
that don't shake my hand.
ї Quй pasa?
Come on, Eenie. Move your ass.
What the hell are those guys up to?
They're going to work. What do you think?
- At this hour?
- Don't worry about it. Let it roll.
They got a hard-ass for a boss. Like us.
I just wanna get outta here real quick.
This is my deal.
I wanna find out
what's going on here today.
Oh, Christ.
- Told you this was the right place.
- Scares me shitless.
Amor, vбyase al otro cuarto.
Tell him I think that's a nice decoration.
Watch it. Cool it, man.
You're looking at that man's old lady.
- Comachos'll shoot your ass.
- Gimme a break.
- Man, Victor's got the best.
- The best!
You Comacho dudes are too much.
I can't believe you guys.
Parece que el hombre estб contento.
This really looks right.
I feel some rocks up in there.
- This looks good.
- Damn right it's good.
By the numbers.
They got a good reputation. Tell him I'm
doing this because my people expect it.
I'm not insulting the guy.
El hombre como que tiene
un problema de diarrea de la boca.
Said you got
diarrhoea of the mouth, baby.
Tell him it's too bad. I thought
he had more class than that.
That's the colour I need. Let's go.
(Spider) How's that?
OK, everybody. Get ready.
Right field's clear.
The painters are out of the way.
- What are you talking about?
- A crew of painters went in next door.
They're gonna wreck that building.
Call 'em in.
Jump street. Let's move, move!
Like I told you, Vic,
you can always depend on the Spider.
The door, Cragie. Get the door.
Come on, get the board.
Move it, move it, move it.
Come on! Let's go. Let's go.
(child speaks Spanish)
Give me the bag!
Check the door. Come on.
Come on. Hurry!
Forget it, Eenie! We're outta here!
- Get around to the hallway.
- Up against the wall. Let's go.
I'm going around to the front.
Go, go, go.
Motherfuckin' son of a bitch!
Rosa, ї dуnde estбs, mi vida?
(woman) No salgas de ahн.
Cragie! Cragie?
It's OK. I got the son of a bitch.
Cover the stairs.
Citywide units, we have an officer shot -
4830 Kenmore.
Request for additional ambulances.
Several gunshot victims.
Use caution. Plain-clothes units
on the scene. Zone three radio.
(Cragie) Told you to stay in there.
- Take it easy, Kopalas.
- Sarge...
The kid didn't dust him. I did.
Him or me, sarge.
The kid saw the whole thing.
Tell him, Nick.
Yeah, that's what happened.
Stay here, Cragie.
I want this kept clear.
Don't do that. Do you have any idea
how much these things cost?
Eddie, listen to this.
A bait shop. We get
some worms, some minnows.
We don't even have to get real worms.
We'll get those rubber ones.
Ow! You goddamn Dr Jekyll!
He's a butcher.
Sarge, I don't think these guys
know who their friends are.
I'm gettin' tired of this shit.
Efren, what's gonna happen to you when
big, bad Luis comes in from Bogotб?
I'll tell you. Your ass is gonna be
freeze-dried. Your goose is cooked.
You gotta know who did it!
Who'd you fuck over lately?
- Luis ain't gonna like this.
- Cбllate.
You want a tune-up, fuckface?
Sarge, you know
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