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Карлсон вернулся

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"Soyuzmultfilm" presents
Inspired by Astrid Lindgren's fairy tale
Script - Boris Larin
Boris Stepantsev
Gennadiy Gladkov
Voice-over artists:
Froken - Faina Ranevskaya
Karlsson - Vasiliy Livanov
The Kid - Klara Roomyanova
Wanted: a governess for Kid.
Apply to Stockholm, ...Str. ...
Don't sigh! It's for the best!
But what if Karlsson really does exist?
Don't even start!
It must be Karlsson!
Karlsson Comes Back
Well, well, there's also a dog.
Matilda, do you see that?
Don't worry, I'll make
a pedigree out of a mongrel!
And you are ...
Froken Bok! Bok!
And your smoking will have
a deleterious effect upon my health
You'll have to give up
that disgusting habit!
All right.
So, that was you who put in the ad
looking for an honest housekeeper,
with good character?
Then, it's me!
But, we were looking for a governess
Hm, who needs governing?
What an agressive dog!
Well, I hope, Froken Bok,
that you love children.
Mm, how should I put it?
Well? Off you go! Don't fret -
everything is under control here
We're going ...
And I warrant, that very soon
you won't recognize your boy!
Thank you
Give me the pastry!
First of all, desserts ruin your figure
Second of all, go to bed now!
Third of all, um ... do your homework!
What else? I need to say something else
It's such a torture governing someone!
I remember now!
Don't forget to wash your hands!
Why would I wash them?
There's nothing to eat anyway.
Matilda, my child, can you hear me?
Take care of that animal!
But be careful, it's not germ-free
Why are you shouting?
You've scared all the fish away!
Hello, Karlsson
Hey, kiddo!
Hey, why don't you ask me
where I've been all this time?
Where have you been all this time?
Better! I've been to my granny's
Yeah...You don't know my granny!
The moment she sees me she
shouts at the top of her voice:
Karlssonchik! My darling!
And then she jumps all
over me and hugs me!
My granny is the world
champion in hugging!
Don't you believe me?
I do!
You flew back!
Flew back... Good point!
How can you fly with that propeller?
I almost crashed on my way!
Listen to this!
- Did you hear that?
- Yup.
I need filling up, urgently!
A cake with whipped cream will do!
I don't think we have one ...
What are you, out of your mind?
A dear friend comes from far away just
for a minute and you don't even have a cake?
But we didn't know ...
Did you know anything?
You should have kept your
hopes up all this time!
Listen, we have fried sausages,
would you like some?
- Fried you say?
- Yes!
I'll have to learn to slum it in your house!
Get them in here!
oh, I'm locked in!
What did you say?
Locked in? Why?
That housekeeper is
more like a house-Reaper!
Stop crying!
Stop crying I said!
Is it me crying or you?
And I'm not crying
Good for you
Listen, who is she that housekeeper?
Good evening, dear friends!
Let's begin our regular programme:
"Life of Ghosts"
We are asking you to keep your children
away from the TV screen
Today, in our studio we have two ... two...
Anyway, you'll hear the story of their
meeting with a wild, but very cute ghost
This is how it all happened:
I'm disgusted at the sight of it!
Yuk! So ill-mannered!
Matilda! Matilda? What are you deaf?
I'm talking to you!
Have you seen anything like that?
They are showing filchers on TV!
How am I not better than them?
Our dear friends
We are asking anyone who knows
anything about ghosts' lives
to give us a ring on this number:
two-two-three ... um.. three-two-two
um ...two-two-three, three-two-two.
Stop crying!
I'm not!
Then don't!
Don't be alarmed, all'll be fine
Guess, who's the best tamer of
house Reapers in the world?
- No idea?
- No!
Me, of course!
See? Let's fly!
Why did you lie to me back then?
About what?
That you are seven years old
Then how old?
You weigh a whole eight!
Where are
Карлсон вернулся

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- текст Элина, словно меня и не было на английском
- текст Рыбка по имени Ванда на английском
- текст Пять вечеров на английском
- текст Осенний марафон на английском
- текст Космический лагерь на английском

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