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enough! l don't want torture.
Solomon. Give me an easy death.
As easy as the kiss of a sister.
Then l advise you to take
good herring dish with onions.
You are a fool, Solomon.
And your jokes are foolish.
Without pain. Without smell. Without taste.
Yes, really without odour.
No, this is similar to a chemical experiment.
-l'll hang myself!
-Yeah! Hang.
Trickster! l'll hang myself!
Jenka, stop talking.
Stop thee-and-thouing me please.
-Arrogant man!
Everyone wants to become a Napoleon.
lt is impossible to walk along the
streets without meeting Napoleons.
Let me tell you secretly.
l am not against becoming a Napoleon myself.
Between us. l have more chance of
achieving this than you, than anyone else.
l am offering you to become my Murat.
What? Also not bad.
l am not going to rob my mum.
You are not going.
But she has already robbed you.
While you were subtly worrying about
whether to report on her or not.
Your dear mum, without any
worries, sang directly to the colonel.
With the list of communists in her fist.
Your worrying has cost
you 20000.
The revolution has deceived you!
The conter revolution has deceived you!
You real mum deceived you!
Only l have not deceived you.
-Listen here, bore.
lt became known to me, that a solid sum
of money has now entered into Ksidias bank.
The watch man knows you.
How much?
Oh! l can hear a man's voice and not a small boy's.
5% from the turnover.
Find yourself another Murat with 5%.
Be quiet, well?! 20% to the tipper-off.
lt would have been unethical from
my side relative to my comrades.
l am already offering you a maximum of 10%.
But are you not afraid that they will grab us?
Who? The police is on my pay list.
The head of the counter intelligence
is also my friend.
Well, fine. Come after me.
Who was here?
l heard his voice.
l can't wait any longer.
lt is necessary to save Michel.
-Of course, it's necessary to save Michel!
-...save Michel.
What are we talking about.
Of course, it is necessary to save. Go.
Go ahead, do it
Rif-raf, do you hear? Open!
We'll show you how to hide bolsheviks!
-Red bellied swine!
-l wanna live calmly!
My God, my god.
What type of time is this?
What type of mad time is this?
Who will tell me?
Why did l not die in 1916?
Oh uncles, think out something
May be you give them ten?
May be they will take ten, ah?
Uncle Stepikov. May be one of their
bigwigs should be stolen and exchanged?
Comrades! May be you take a car and...
There is no vehicle after all!
They'll really kill comrade Voronov. They'll kill him.
And can a note be sent there?
And even if that is possible? And what about it?
Write. Let him prolong the interrogation.
Let him be thinking out every possible fairy tales.
So as just to waste time.
Our partisan groups advanced
smartly in the last few days.
l will hand over that note.
lt is high time.
Wait. l have got an idea of how to save him.
l'll try.
Don't dare, Sania. Do you hear me?
l know your ideas. Leave it.
You will only ruin yourself.
l will, all the same, try.
ls that you, young master?
Let me in, Nestor. Mama sent me.
lt is not allowed.
Well, you know, after all, her whims.
All of a sudden, one night, she wanted
her correspondence with credit lyonnaise.
She wanted, you say?
Yeah, this happens
Let's smoke, Nestor?
Probihited, young master. Enter with God.
Lady, l beg you.
Heads will roll. Heads will roll
Kvas will flow
Heads will roll
Kvas will flow
Evil Spirit. Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit
Aesthetic work.
When everything's magnifique.
This is something special.
You are welcome.. So what?
Yes, everyone wants to become a Napoleon.
So, that it is impossible to walk
along the streets because of Napoleons.
-This one.
Lady, l implore you.
-Who is this?
-lt is me.
-Who? Sanka-flower girl?
Phew you.
What? Do you want to work with us? That's correct.
Интервенция Интервенция

Читайте также:
- текст Мистер Блисс на английском
- текст Деловые люди на английском
- текст Лучшие годы нашей жизни на английском
- текст Москва-Кассиопея на английском
- текст Плутовство на английском

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