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Гран Торино

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what? I accept it.
- Of course you accept it.
Because you have no teeth
and have no balls, kid.
Look, I'm here to adopt. Why search
you do not something sensible for me to do.
I am not like you. I am not useless
and I maintained my own property.
You swamp rats
there may be nothing to do.
How long do I have?
Toad, how long?
Until next week Friday.
Well, get the ladder from the garage.
When you're done with that roof,
you can gutter again carpenter.
It bothers me for three years.
Yes, what you say, comrade.
Grandpa asked whether you can ensure
Toa that the large hornets' nest
under our porch away.
Hornets' nest?
That is terrible.
I think that after the lunch
to regulate.
Holy God, quit.
Hey, it's my last day.
What do you have for me to do?
Take today, Friday
You've done enough.
Forget it.
Mr. Kowalski?
Good morning.
I have viewed your paper and I think we
should immediately begin a series of tests.
I feel that this is the best way to all
issues that you had to check.
Excuse me, what happened to doctor Felmon,
my doctor, happened?
Dr. Felmon retired three years ago.
I'm his replacement, Dr Chang.
It is Grandpa Walt.
- Take on you.
You talk to him!
I am the accounts to do it.
- You talk to him. It's your father.
Hi, Dad.
 Hey, Mitch.
I am your father. 
 Yeah, I know.
What is going on 
Nothing, not much.
How are you?
Well, all right.
 Good, and Karen and the kids 
Well, everybody does it.
They do well.
Good. And the work?
 Press. Yes ...
Yes, I thought that al
Dad, talk about pressure, I have
much to do, so if nothing is urgent ...
No, nothing.
Why call you the weekend?
 Well, nice to have just spoken, Dad.
Thanks for calling. 
Thank you.
This guy has no chance.
What do you know of cranes?
I know everything there, boy.
Go to the side.
Jesus on earth.
- What?
It should be here to 100 degrees.
Put the fan.
Please, this dondert together.
Man, where you have all this stuff come from?
What are you talking about?
- About the tools and everything.
Well, it will be for a thief
a surprise,
but I have all these things here
bought with my own money.
Yes, yes. That is not what I meant.
I mean, there's so much.
Yes, each tool has a purpose.
Everything has a job to do.
All that is required.
- Okay, what's that?
That is paalgatgraver.
- And that?
Hand Schep.
You know it is a hand shovel, come on.
This is a metal scissors,
and that is a saw.
This is a hammer
You can 't be fooled, kid.
Well, what are you like.
It is just ...
I can imagine all this stuff not afford.
Well, I think that even a dolt like you
will understand
that somebody will get together
over a period of 50 years.
Yes, but ...
- Well, look. Here.
What you need is here.
WD-40 and a pipe wrench
and ductape.
Any man who is worth anything, the half
the chores at home with those three things.
Everything else you need
you just borrow, that's all.
Well. Cool.
Fuck you.
- What is that?
Nothing? I saw you expectorate blood.
That is not good. You have to go to a doctor.
Look, ...
Those boys who were here on that night ...
on my lawn, how about with them?
- Just a mess. Hmong gang.
Yes, I thought that al
What did they do here.
She wanted me to take. They were angry
I had my first inauguration blow.
Yes, you're a wimp if you
that kind of guests want to hang around.
What did you inauguration should be.
My Gran Torino?
Toad, do you mind?
Here he is.
This is the deal.
I take the top
because this is the worst. I pull out
and you are there and pushes.
And each step up to help me push.
Just that way.
- Let me take the top.
No, I take the top.
No, I take the top.
He seems pretty heavy.
I'm not crippled.
I take the top.
If you have the top does not take
I do not help
Гран Торино Гран Торино

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