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from a thousand it's always a
If you want we can move you
to our school.
- Her parents will mind.
- We'll talk with them.
- It's not easy.
- It's okay. We don't have
You may think they have agreed.
How high do you jump?
- I never jumped.
- We'll teach you.
What about 1.20?
- Yes.
- Higher?
- 1.50?
- Yes.
What about this fence?
I'm tired of your verity.
Stop it!
No school at all.
We'll teach her.
They are there. Run!
There are hooligans there.
Hamper them!
Girls, where are you running?
We've just started our conversation.
Gribkova, Seleznyova, girls!
We're in the siege.
How long are they gonna guard us?
- How can we go to school?
- I know how.
Today's an important day.
I can feel it.
- Hey, excuse me, boy!
- Me?
Yes, you. Come here.
I'm listening.
- Is this your school?
- Yes.
- Are you from the 6''C''?
- Suppose I am.
Don't be rude.
Be polite with adults.
- Yes or no?
- Suppose yes.
- Without ''suppose''. Yes or no?
- Yes.
Does Kolya study in your class?
- Do you want an honest answer?
- An honest.
Honesty makes a person beautiful.
If you want an honest answer,
I am Kolya then.
No, Kolya is different.
Precisely. You know,
many people tell me that I changed.
My mother tells me I'm completely
different, teachers say that I'm rude,
Maybe it's not the age?
Maybe I'm just wrong Kolya?
Yes, wrong.
Do you have Alice in your class?
Yes, we have Alice.
Kolya is her friend.
Are foreign spies interested in
Alice? Aren't you spying?
look what ill-mannered people here.
Mine is just the same.
Okay, I'll remember you.
I'll remember your mug.
By the way, if we meet again,
please remind me that I saw you.
You saw me? Where?
When you confess,
they will bring you to me.
- Where?
- To my office.
I'm not Kolya,
I'm the chief police inspector.
I work with
serious crimes against six-forms.
My name is Sherlock Holmes.
And what's your name?
Nice to meet you!
Don't forget to take off your mask.
I can see canines under.
Did you hear him?
What an impudent boy!
Excuse me, girl.
- Are you from 6''C''?
- Yes, I am.
- I need your help.
- I always glad to help.
Yesterday, for example,
I carried an old lady's bag,
and fed a hungry kitten.
How nice!
Will you help me
as you helped that kitten?
I can't, I'm in a hurry. The first class
is English and I must check my
Of course you must.
You're an excellent pupil.
The best pupil in your class.
It won't take much time.
I worry about your pupil Alice.
- Seleznyova?
- No, not Seleznyova.
It's not her real last name.
She's hiding.
Don't be afraid.
Nothing bad happened yet.
Something bad can happen?
Yes, it can.
Tell me, how and when
Alice appeared in your class?
Today's the third day.
She was in a hospital with Gribkova.
That's right. In a hospital.
Alice ran away from the hospital.
Help us.
I am the head doctor
in the hospital with dangerous
A desperately spoiled girl
was sent to us.
And she's Alice... What's her last
- Seleznyova.
- That's right. Seleznyova.
A brutal hooligan, very coward.
She bit, hit children... and adults.
Then she stole
a tiger-skin in the museum,
and during nights
she wore it and robbed lone people.
- It's impossible.
- I swear to you.
When she was being caught
she bit three policemen.
It's impossible.
Possible. We had to inoculate her
against hydrophobia.
It's impossible.
Don't condemn Alice.
She needs help. She's sick.
I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce you.
It's doctor Ivanova.
She spent so many sleepless nights
at this horrible Alice bed.
- She gave her medicine.
- Gave injections.
And all for nothing.
She ran away from the hospital,
broke the door
and jumped from the fifth floor.
- Really?
- Yes.
At such condition
people are uite firm.
She broke through the pavement
and didn't hurt herself.
During that sickness
she can jump very high.
Yes, right,
Гостья из будущего Гостья из будущего

Читайте также:
- текст Степфордские жены на английском
- текст Киборг на английском
- текст Ночь страха на английском
- текст Джо на английском
- текст Баллада о солдате на английском

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