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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Гамсун


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the seven seas
and seen the big city, -
- but now she's home again. "
"The world is big
and swarming with dots. "
"Ingerswarmed too. "
"She was hardly anyone
among men. Only one. "
"And now it is night. "
When Knut Hamsun received the
Nobel Prize forliterature in 1920, -
- it only confirmed
what everyone knew:
That he is the greatest
Norwegian alive today.
He has brought to life
everything that is Norwegian.
Indeed, he Is Norway.
Tonight, we've once again
felt the magic-
- in the words of
this Norwegian giant.
Thank you very much,
Mrs Hamsun. Thank you.
We humbly ask you to give the
great poet of Norholm ourregards.
- May we ask that of you?
- I'll give him yourregards.
From all of us.
From the whole world!
- I will tell... the great poet.
- Thank you.
We are honoured. Yourwife called
and said you wanted to stay here.
Fora while.
- Yourwife called...
- Iwant to stay here.
She called
in the middle of the night.
Are you still talking about my wife?
Don't talk about her.
Go away.
So it's over?
Strange. Justwhen the end
of life itself is near.
- Have you thought about that?
- Why did you give up writing?
It's a long time ago you were here.
That'swhat I've thought about.
I understand
yourhatred forhim, but...
Fatheris so strong.
So very unreasonably strong.
- But if he's dying...
- What if he isn't?
He won't die unless he wants to.
Mother's problem is...
When you've gone through what
you have, it's hard to split up.
Little Tore, little Arild,
little Ellinor, -
- little Cecilia, little Marie -
- and Knut the Great.
A propermodel family.
- I'm so glad I got away from you.
- I didn'twant you to forget us.
It belongs here at Norholm.
It's absurd that father's living
at the inn. Have him come home.
- Cecilia!
- It's embarrassing.
Adolf Hitleris showing the way
to the greater Europe -
- where Norway will take
its place of honourat the table.
And where the women of Norway, too,
will take theirrightful place.
They carry the ideals, nurture our
young and set an example to us men.
They are the keepers of good morals,
the centre of the family.
In the struggle against decadence,
they stay in the bosom of the family.
And there, with theirstrength and
theirpure faces facing the sun, -
- they will play the leading role
in the future -
- forwhich the Nationalist Party
and Adolf Hitlerare fighting.
Itwarms me to hearone of the few
whose ideals are intact.
I didn't know women played such
a large role in National Socialism.
They play an immense role.
60 percent of all German women
support the Fuhrer.
- 60 percent, maybe more.
- That many?
Maybe more.
Excuse me,
butwhat is yourname?
Hamsun. Marie Hamsun.
- Related to the Nobel Prize winner?
- Hiswife.
- Maybe we could talk?
- Talk with me? Why?
- Itwas nice to meet you.
- Yes...
The family
centered around the woman.
Women are the pillars of the society,
and society the pillarof... women.
Thiswaswhere Knut and I first met.
I was an actress then.
Yes, it's heartwarming.
It makes one happy.
Knutwanted it thatway.
Once again,
thank you formeeting me here.
I've sacrificed my life forthat.
If itwere pointless, my whole life
would be pointless, MrQuisling.
It's by no means
a pointless sacrifice.
- To sacrifice one's life for...
- Forwhat?
- Fora cause.
- A cause?
The cause.
When I heard you speak,
I realized -
- there still are men whose ideals
are intact, who don't fail.
- Thank you.
- Not all sacrifices are pointless.
Thank you.
I hope that you, forme, -
- are able to hold but a fraction
of the high regard we all have -
- foryourhusband.
You will be a model
forall Norwegian wives.
- But I'm just Knut'swife.
- A model.
That is the most important
of all parts.
Are we
Гамсун Гамсун

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- текст Обитаемый остров: Схватка на английском
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- текст Олигарх на английском
- текст 102 далматинца на английском
- текст Девять с половиной недель на английском

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