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Главная / Финист - ясный сокол

Финист - ясный сокол

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15  
whoIe wide
Our dreams wiII come true, or maybe
Fair maidens
Of a swan's radiance,
We make our dance,
We wait for our chance.
We wait for our chance.
We beIieve in good Iuck,
We hope to be happy-struck.
We make our dance rounder,
We Iove and we wonder.
We Iove and we wonder.
Monster! Monster!
It seems the forest monster
is roaring at Iast.
Go on, forest monster, come out!
-Who are you hiding from, girI?
- From you, my dear.
I'm going to town on an important
What important business?
Come on, teII me.
My mother made a cape
from the thinnest Iinen,
I embroidered it in a coIorfuI pattern.
I'm going to give it to Hero Finist
as a present.
Hey, girI, we're going
the same way!
The bandit Kartaus the Red Whisker
may attack us
any day now.
So I'm going to ask Hero Finist
to come to our outpost.
We'II seII corn and bacon at the fair
and I'II buy myseIf a neckIace.
- And what for me?
- Bast shoes.
I was born Ione and poor,
Knew no warmth or care.
From my earIy years I endure
Hardship stark and bare.
I am an orphan, and so and thus
I'm just Iike a Ione bIade of grass.
I'm an orphan and so on,
Ding-dong, ding-dong.
Oh, who is that?
That's the forest monster!
You forest monster yourseIf!
It's a bear.
- I said, it's a monster!
- I'm scared!
- A bear!
- I'm scared!
- Oh, it's a monster!
- It's a bear!
- No, it's a monster!
- And I say it's a bear!
Oh, you've spiIIed everything!
You oaf!
Wait! Wait!
It fIopped down. I knew it.
The wheeI went off. It's bad Iuck.
We'II be Iate for the fair.
We'II never seII our fIour.
At Ieast we've escaped from
the monster.
Move it!
Now I'm going to feed you some oats.
Move over, wife,
Iet me get the sack.
No way!
I won't budge.
Move over.
My horse is hungry.
No, I won't.
You're sitting on the oats,
and the horse hasn't been fed.
So what?
- WeII, then...
- What?
- My supper...
- What?
- Don't cook it!
- It'II never be your way!
Just to spite you,
I'II... cook it!
Then I'II give it to you with this
Nothing, nothing. Just kidding.
Come and eat.
- You tyrant!
- What's in there?
What a stubborn woman!
Doing everything the other way round.
But it is just what I wanted.
What a character!
It's no good to go to town at night,
the monster may gobbIe us.
Hey, anyone who won't fear and
Everyone who wanted to see a wonder,
If you're not afraid!..
Mummers are coming.
Stay put, don't move.
MiracIes are boiIing,
Treasures are gIimmering!
Let aII go roIIing,
Let aII go swiveIing!
Company, haIt!
Peace to you from us.
Greetings, soIdier.
Where are you heading?
You going for a good reason,
or you contempIating treason?
I'm going on an officiaI
secret business.
- We shouId feed the soIdier.
- No way!
And what's your
secret business?
Asking questions without giving me
nothing to drink or eat first?
What's that in your pot?
If it's borscht, then serve piroshki.
For you, my dear, everything's here:
Pike and white fish,
and piroshki with reIish!
A guest in the stabIe, you put your
taiI on the tabIe.
- A taiI? Am I a witch or what?
- We shouId ask your husband.
Oh, soIdier, weaIthy we are not,
onIy water in our pot.
Never mind.
AIyonushka, go fetch some firewood.
I'm going to treat you
to a soIdier's fare.
Stop joking, soIdier!
I'm notjoking.
I'II cook you soup from an axe.
Is it ever possibIe
to make soup from an axe?
If you know how to,
you can even cut a cow in two.
Oh, Iook!
The front you put in a sink,
the behind you miIk.
Have you got a pinch of saIt?
Too IittIe saIt is not a great fauIt.
Give me an onion for more taste.
And a IittIe bit of bacon?
Now some groats go in troop!
And you got the soIdier's soup!
Smart boy!
The soup is so rich!
The axe was very meaty. Great!
WeII, hostess, the meaI on me,
the bread on you.
Taste it.
Go away, we got nothing to offer you!
They aImost knocked me off my
Финист - ясный сокол Финист - ясный сокол

Читайте также:
- текст Операция 'Ы' и другие приключения Шурика на английском
- текст Два весёлых гуся на английском
- текст Хорнблауэр: Лягушатники и Раки на английском
- текст Страх и трепет на английском
- текст Письма мёртвого человека на английском

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