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-Little pricks stole our wallets.
-Our wallets?
Yeah, the drugs, too. I'm gonna get 'em.
Get your pants on.
Where are they? Where'd your friends go?
Come on. I said, "Where are they?"
Come on, where'd they go, bitch?
Tell me, come on, where did they go?
You're gonna tell me, or I'm gonna
beat the shit out of you, come on!
Look, we don't know.
The hell you don't.
Come on, bitch, come on, whore.
Come on, talk.
Will you stop him?
What are you protecting them for?
They didn't give a damn about you.
Come on, bitch, want me to hurt you now?
They've got a commune in the country.
-Where is it?
-I don't know.
Tell me!
Up Route 9, take it to the18...
...about 5 miles on Edgewood Road.
-If you're lying, I'll be back.
-I'm not lying.
I can finish what I started. Got that?
You just balled me, you don't believe me?
Wait a minute, Compton.
Joe, put them back.
Just give 'em a little scare.
-Shake 'em up.
-Maybe you wanna give us back our stuff?
-Yeah, sure.
You got it all?
Where's the money?
Oh, my God.
What the hell you doin', Compton?
God, no, don't shoot me. I won't tell.
Don't shoot me. Please don't shoot me.
Please. I won't tell.
What are you gonna do?
You gonna shoot me?
-I won't tell anybody. Please.
-Where's that gonna get you?
You wanna shoot somebody, shoot them.
Please, don't.
There's only one way out now: clean.
That means everybody.
-At this point, it can get to be fun.
-No more.
I don't get you, Compton.
You hate those kids.
You hate the way those girls
put you down...
...the way those kids,
those little shitheads...
...they made a shithead out of you,
guys like Frank...
...what Frank did to your daughter.
Look, Compton, you told me
you got a kick out of killing Frank.
These kids, they shit on you,
they shit on your life.
They shit on everything you believe in.
They shit on everything!
You hate 'em as much as I do.
It's your ass now, Compton!
These kids, they shit on you,
shit on your life.
They shit on everything you believe in,
on everything.
You wanna shoot somebody, shoot them.
Are you gonna kill me, too?

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