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Главная / Дама с собачкой

Дама с собачкой

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IittIe dog.
You wiII forget me.
This is our fareweII meeting.
Don't think iII of me.
Don't think I'm a bad woman.
Why fareweII meeting?
Von Diederitz?
This is from my husband.
He writes that he's having troubIe
with his eyes and begs me to come back.
Is your husband a German?
No. I beIieve his grandfather
was German.
He is of the Orthodox faith himseIf.
It's a good thing I'm going.
It's fate.
How am I to Iive now?
I'II come back home,
Iook out of the window
and see the gray fence.
A Iong gray fence studded with naiIs.
It's hard.
It's aII right. It'II pass.
Yes, you're right, it'II pass.
It has to pass. Itjust has to.
Let me have another Iook at you.
One Iast Iook.
Like that.
I'II be thinking of you,
remembering you.
Don't think badIy of me.
We're parting forever.
Yes, it must be so, for we shouId
never have met.
You're such a kind,
rare, remarkabIe man.
WeII, goodbye.
Watch out!
Pies with Iiver!
Hot pies! Hot pies!
Mitya! Let me kiss you!
You waIk, good for you!
And I took a cabby.
What shouId I do to Iose weight?
I myseIf ate a whoIe portion of sour
cabbage and meat yesterday at the cIub.
Cabbage and meat! Dinner at your
pIace on Thursday, you remember?
Don't be Iate,
we're expecting Lyubomirov himseIf!
How about your YaIta Iady
with the dog?
- Covered with a haze.
- Yes, yes, yes.
To take up with a woman is easy.
But then there're probIems.
EspeciaIIy for us, Muscovites,
who are such sIow starters.
Satan reigning there supreme!
He reigns supreme!
You're a great taIent! I haven't
enjoyed myseIf so for a Iong time!
What expressiveness! What power!
I adore her!
I simpIy adore her!
Dimitry, don't you think that it's
time for the chiIdren to go to bed?
Excuse me.
Good night.
It's haIf past ten.
- But, Daddy!
- Natasha.
Good night.
''The DragonfIy and the Ant''.
A fIying fidget dragonfIy
In the summer's gaiIy singing,
Of the future isn't thinking,
But the winter is nearby.
FieId was green, it's now reddish,
Happy days aIready vanished...
- BIess you.
- Thank you.
Very nice.
Good for you. She's crawIing in dismay
To the ant not far away.
- She's grown so and matured.
- Yes, a young Iady aIready.
I beIieve it's time to set a cIear-cut
aim before that young souI.
I agree with you compIeteIy.
LateIy I've read a very interesting
brochure on that subject.
Fenya, serve tea, pIease.
Ladies and gentIemen, now Dimitry
wiII pIay for us.
There was a time when he dreamt
of a singer's career.
Yes, yes, yes. He has an incredibIy
good ear for music.
Come on, I aIready forgot everything.
Don't be so modest.
Remember, at the Andriyevskys soiree
you IiteraIIy won everybody's heart.
You were superb tonight.
You pIayed with such a deep feeIing.
How is your newspaper business going?
There's nothing to write about.
If something speciaI had happened,
something staggering,
something abominabIe,
most ignobIe,
something that wouId kick the deviIs
to death, then it wouId be news!..
I see you've got a wide perspective.
Isn't he RaIph?
No, his name is Frou-Frou.
WouId you Iike to buy him?
Buy him, Your ExceIIency.
Frou-Frou, beg!
See? He begs!
- It's a rare breed...
- Sorry, I was mistaken.
- She toId me to seII that beast.
- No, thank you.
We need the money for coffee.
Buy him, Your ExceIIency!
The fIashing Iights, the sparkIing
Iights, They twinkIe, twinkIe, twinkIe.
About what they saw and heard,
They tinkIe, tinkIe, tinkIe...
Let him in.
I see, my friend, you've Iost aIready
your YaIta suntan?
And you Iook gIoomy.
Why this meIanchoIy?
I'm bored...
And I don't feeI Iike going home.
Me too...
I drink, but get no merrier.
Waiter, do me a favour...
Give me a grunt!
He's made a fortune
by grunting Iike a pig.
They're aII Iike that.
Take those Iackeys, for exampIe.
And not onIy Iackeys!
For just one rubIe an engineer wiII
gobbIe up a jar of mustard
and sing
Дама с собачкой Дама с собачкой

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- текст Семнадцать мгновений весны на английском

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