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police are here!
Run! They can't do anything to me.
Dr. Salvatore, you're under arrest.
And you must be lchthyander?
You're under arrest, too.
- Who have you got?
- Salvatore and his son.
Where have you hidden the son?
That's the reporter, Olsen.
Why didn't you tell me?
You wouldn't have believed me.
I resemble Dr. Salvatore so much.
Don't waste your wisecracks on us.
You'll have your turn soon enough.
Thank you, but don't hurry
on my account.
We've got him, the pretty boy!
Dr. Salvatore arrested!
Sea Devil caught!
Pirates attack Schooner Medusa!
Pedro Zurita brings charges!
Excuse me, Doctor.
- Do you remember me?
- No, I don't.
And I will always remember you.
You saved my son's life.
Oh, yes...
How is he getting on?
A visitor for the doctor.
Doctor, it grieves me
to see you here.
- But if you permit me...
- What do you want?
I can return you your freedom,
your laboratory, money...
- You?
- Yes, precisely.
I can get you out of here,
but you...
You'll create thousands
like lchthyander.
Think of it, doctor!
We'll conquer the ocean.
We'll be the richest people
on earth!
- Get out!
- Calm down!
Your life and the life of your son
depend on my word.
Just hope they hang you
before him!
You're a scoundrel!
A skulking dog!
You shouldn't get so upset, doctor.
You haven't any other way.
Don't be afraid of them, doctor.
I will help you to escape.
You said that I'd saved
your son's life once.
I must ask you to save my boy.
What about you?
I can't get both of you out.
I'm an old man. It makes
no difference where I die.
As you wish.
Do you have any friends
you can rely on?
Yes, I do.
Who is there?
It's me.
Go home, father.
Don Pedro is still up.
Open up!
What happened, father?
"Tomorrow I will help lchthyander
escape to Australia.
"Do you want to go with him?
Not only does he escape,
but he wants my wife beside!
I beg of you on my knees...
Don Pedro...
Hallo. This is the police.
Speak up!
Who is calling?
Police, send someone over
to the villa Dolores.
I have murdered a man.
Gutiere! Open the door, quickly!
You must go to Olsen's.
And what about you, father?
I've got things to do here.
Here's the entrance.
The main cell block.
We'll come out this way.
You have to park the truck
over here.
Everything's clear.
So, Mr. Olsen, it'll be at 9 sharp.
Let's check our watches.
Now you can say goodbye
to him, Doctor.
Come on out now!
Have they kept you in that tank
all the time?
They've probably ruined your lungs!
Forgive me, son.
I tried to make you
the happiest man in the world.
And I destroyed your happiness
Forgive me, and farewell.
What about you?
Time's up.
Got a pass?
All right, drive in.
Leave the gates open.
I'll dump this and go back.
What's that truck?
I didn't give any pass for it.
Go to that truck.
He's been waiting for you.
Don't lose time. Move!
It's a fake! Sound the alarm!
Olsen... I'm dying...
Did they hit you? What is it?
I can't breathe.
I can live only in the water.
I think we got away from them.
What's wrong with him?
Tell me! Is he dead?
He's alive!
But a terrible thing has happened.
lchthyander won't be able
to breathe air any more.
He'll have to live in the water
from now on.
That's it.
I was forbidden to love you.
Still, I loved you.
They separated us,
but I found the way back.
Now that all our troubles
are mostly behind us,
I have to say goodbye to you.
I will always miss the land.
And the land will always
remember you.
I'm sure you'll be happy one day.
I want you to be happy.
We mustn't wait too long.
I will do everything in my power
to free your father from prison.
Thank you.
The end

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- текст Конец Вечности на английском
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- текст Дни юности на английском
- текст 72 Метра на английском
- текст Огонь, вода и... медные трубы на английском

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