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Главная / Большой автобус

Большой автобус

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  
Everything's OK.
I'm coming back up.
Everything'll be fine.
- Is there something to calm us?
- Some cake.
Cake gives you pimples.
...if I pray for you, I pray for everybody.
I don't wanna get into that.
I'm so sorry I yelled at you.
I spoke to Scotty.
You were right about the yellow wire.
What is it? You all right?
- What is it?
- I cut the blue one.
Well, that's...
Get the wheel, Dan!
I've worked some tough rooms,
but this is ridiculous.
Dr Kurtz!
- My husband... My ex...Claude's hurt.
- I only work on animals.
- Perfect!
- A bird, a reptile, but...
- I have faith in you, Doctor.
...a human being?
Easy, boy. Hold still now, boy.
Take it easy. Easy.
I think his paw's broken.
Easy, boy. Give me my bag.
Everything's all right. Woof, woof, woof.
Cyclops Control, this is Cyclops One!
Emergency! Mother's Day. Mother's Day!
Hello, handsome.
Don't leave. Join the party.
What are you doing?
How can you bathe at a time like this?
I've seen it all, done it all.
What difference does it make?
- Il fato.
- And I thought I didn't care.
I care. I live for the here and now,
not the then, was, should, would.
- If only I could.
- You can.
You don't understand. I never...
I've only got six months to live.
Stop wasting time. Hop in, Bush.
Thank you, but I...
I could. Yeah.
Why not? I can.
I wanna live! I wanna love!
I wanna sing and dance!
No more worries!
No more responsibilities!
I don't care any more! I'm free! I'm free!
- You feeling all right?
- Thanks, Doctor. A lot better.
That's good. Your nose is colder.
That's a good sign when...
I... I did... I fixed...
What do those MDs know?
Take away the fur, tail and funny ears,
people are just like cats and dogs.
I can do that kind of...
I... I'm Dr Kurtz.
Pull into Springfield for repairs.
- Negative! We'll repair en route.
- Stop at Springfield. That's an order.
Scotty! I talked to Baxter.
He agrees about Springfield.
- What about Jack's raise?
- That can wait.
That's it.
Oh, come on, Jack. Hey, hold it.
Jack! Now, listen.
You gotta wait a minute. Jack...
Oh, Jack, come back.
She's not slowing down.
I can't slow her down!
The brakes are shot.
Kill the ignition, Shoulders!
- Roger.
- Kill it!
Nothin's happening. I'll have to...
- Stop!
- Kitty, take the wheel. I'll slow her down.
- I haven't got my licence on me.
- Take the wheel!
Cyclops One, do you read me?
This is Springfield.
We are foaming up.
Repeat, we are foaming up.
Emergency vehicles are now in position.
Over and over.
I can hardly hold it.
- I didn't know it would be like this.
- Driving a bus is no snap.
Emergency isn't working.
You'd better talk to the passengers.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
This is Kitty Baxter.
Please take your seats
and extinguish all cigarettes.
We are in a normal driving pattern
and about to park in Springfield.
On behalf of your captain and crew,
Coyote hopes you enjoy your first stop
in our non-stop trip
between New York and Denver.
Cyclops One, do you read me?
This is Springfield.
We are all foamed up.
We are all foamed up.
Reduce your speed.
Repeat, reduce your speed.
Look out, we're goin' through a light.
We gotta stop it.
Cyclops One. Maintain your attitude
in approach. Stay on runway.
Cyclops One, do you read? Reduce
your speed. Reduce your speed.
Cyclops One. Why did you do that?
Repeat, why did you do that?
Scotty, I can't stop her! She won't go
below 40. I'll check the fulcrums.
- Wake him up.
- Right.
- He's gonna kill us!
- C'mon, everybody.
If you're gonna kill us,
we're taking over the bus.
- You wanna take it over?
- That's right.
Who's gonna drive it? Huh?
C'mon, speak up.
- Who can handle this?
- Be a man, raise your hand, you lizard.
- He can do it.
- The lizard'll drive.
Oh, he can, huh?
Let's just see if he can.
You wanna turn left.
Большой автобус Большой автобус

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