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- I love your attitude. You're so confident.
What can go wrong?
It's all in the planning, cookie.
We did our homework, case closed.
Pick up the money.
Okay. Okay, anything you say.
What about Leonard?
- Len? He's like a dog with a bone.
- Really? After all that vomiting?
Must've been something he ate. When
he gave it up, he snapped right back.
- Happy about the kids?
- Ecstatic.
He's a little gun-shy about the autopsy
tonight, but underneath? Seventh heaven.
- Still like to get it over with. I'd like to...
- Len, come on.
Let's go, let's go.
You know, you work on a case,
you wanna get it over with. Up or down.
- Wait a minute. It's not that easy, Len.
- Up or down, up or down.
We just can't pay out a check for
5 million bucks, Len. You know?
We gotta study this.
I keep asking myself, a guy falls
off a train going 20 miles an hour...
...how the hell does he lose his face?
- Maybe he's got a weak face.
- Doesn't make any sense.
- That's your field of expertise, not mine.
You ought to be on antibiotics.
I never saw sweat like that.
- Swine flu, John.
- That lawyer of hers. Nagle?
- How are you?
- What about him?
No record of him at the county clerk
or the county bar.
Well, yeah, maybe he just passed
the bar. Just passed the bar.
Maybe he ain't a lawyer.
- From the insurance, yes?
- I'm John O'Mara, this is Len Hoffman.
- Very nice.
- Hope we're not intruding.
No, no, no.
Everything is all ready. Please.
- Great, great. In there?
- To the right.
- I love morgues.
- Yes.
- In here?
- This way.
- This way.
- Hey, where's Leonard?
- I thought he was here.
- Let me go.
- No, no, I will go.
- He's sick...
- You wait. We'll be a minute.
- Yeah, but he's sick.
Take it easy with him.
Mr. Hoffman. You must come downstairs.
No, no, we have a slight problem.
- It's all right...
- Problem?
The man with no face.
There was a mix-up.
- A mix-up?
- He was buried this morning...
...so we have to improvise.
No, there is nothing to moo about.
It will be fine, you'll be fine. Come.
- Beautiful weather. Said it might rain...
- What the hell's going on?
...but then they revised it. He's fine.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Sure?
- Yeah, I'm good.
- Len, you can go home...
...I can finish this if you want,
you know.
- I'm here. Might as well...
- You sure? Okay.
- Down here.
- Take it easy, now.
- Okay. Through here?
- Yes, yes, yes.
This is where my little friends are all
asleep. It's, of course, a joke we make.
They're all dead.
You find too cold in here?
- Fine with me. Len?
- Fine! Fine!
- You've been in morgues before?
- Sure, lot of times. I like morgues.
- Not me, no, not me.
- I could show a short film.
Let's get the show on the road.
Where is he?
- The late Seсor Rickey?
- Yeah, yeah, the late.
- You eat yet, Len?
- I had a little goulash.
- Yeah? I love goulash.
- Yeah?
- That him, doc?
- Si, si.
- Yeah?
- The moment of truth, yes?
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, come on, Len, let's go.
Now, I was able to perform...
...a radical reconstructive
surgery on Seсor Rickey.
How can you restore a face
that was completely ripped off?
- That is not easy, my friend.
- Impossible.
Nothing is impossible if you believe
with the heart. Yes, Seсor Hoffman?
I don't know these things.
Hey, doc, cut the shit.
Let's go.
Presenting the late Seсor Rickey.
Is that him, Len?
That's him, all right.
Tremendous job, doc, gotta say.
- Started with nothing?
- Oh, it's tremendous work.
In order to reconstruct
the nose, for example...
...I was forced to use a portion
of his penis.
- You used part of his pecker?
- Si, si.
- That's amazing.
- Oh, yes.
Just don't rub the nose.
Don't rub his nose?
Very good, doc.
- Like Pinocchio. You hear that, Len?
- Very funny joke.
Don't rub his nose!
That's a hell of a job, doc.
Hell of a job. Can't even see the scar.
Careful. Don't touch, because medic has
not quite finished the process, it's...
- He
Большие неприятности Большие неприятности

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