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You know what, Alyosha?
- What?
I"m so thirsty. Aren"t you?
- A quick stop?
- A quick stop.
The evening news,July 2 7th.
Throughout the day,
our troops have been fighting
in the Voronezh region,
and also
in the Tsimlyanskaya region.
After persistent battles,
our troops left the towns
of Hovocherkask and Rostov.
In other parts of the front,
there are no significant changes.
Over the past week,
from the 1 9th to the 25th ofJuly,
during aerial battles,
on airfields...
Stop! Stop!
Can you take me to Uzlovaya?
I missed my train.
- Have you heard the news?
- Yes.
Damn it!
I haven"t slept for two days.
What can you do!
Here, crank it.
What a truck.
We"re the same age.
My son"s on the front.
Field Post Office 1 39.
Have you heard of it?
Don"t fret, little fellow.
We"ll get there in time.
- Stay back, soldier!
- This is my train!
You"re mistaken.
Where are you going?
- To Georgievsk.
- That train left an hour and a half ago.
- Shura, you"re still here.
- Yes.
Here, you forgot this.
- Shura, you"re brilliant!
- It was my fault you didn"t get back.
- Silly girl! I thought I"d never see you again.
Well, I waited.
I"m so thirsty.
- You still haven"t had anything to drink?
- No, I was afraid I"d miss you.
My little Shura.
Well, let"s go.
- Soon you"ll be home.
- You, too.
Don"t worry, Shura.
He"ll get better.
Alyosha, I"ve never met
a fellow quite like you before.
Alyosha, who is
that handkerchief for?
It"s a gift for my mother.
- Really? The soap, too?
- What soap?
The soap in your bag.
- Let"s go.
- Where?
- I have to give it to someone.
- The soap?
Yes, I promised.
Good thing you reminded me.
It"s not far-- Chekhov Street.
Is this Pavlov a friend of yours?
No, I don"t know him at all.
We met by chance.
He was on his way to the front.
Chekhov Street.
- So close.
Grandma, where"s building 7?
Right here.
Who are you looking for?
- The Pavlovs.
They"re alive!
Are you looking
for Lizaveta Petrovna or the old man?
- Lizaveta Petrovna.
- She now lives on Semyonovskaya Street.
And the old man is at the institute, where
the people who were bombed out live.
- Which is closer?
- Semyonovskaya Street.
Mitya will take you there.
- Grandma, look what I found!
- Good.
Mitya, take these people to see
Lizaveta Petrovna.
Mitya, this man is from the front.
- He"s going to miss his train. Come on.
Let"s go.
- Don"t touch my bubbles!
- Kid, do the Pavlovs live here?
- Lizaveta Petrovna.
- Over there.
You have to knock.
The bell doesn"t work.
We"re looking for Lizaveta Petrovna.
Please come in. That"s me.
You must be--
I"m from the front.
I brought you a package.
Pavlov must have sent you.
Please come in.
Excuse me for just a minute.
I"ll be right back.
Someone's here from the front
with a package from Pavlov.
What should I do?
- Tell the truth.
I can't.
What's the problem?
At least he'll know the truth.
- I beg you!
- Well, fine.
Please excuse me.
It"s just so unexpected.
So, you"re from the front?
From the front.
Your husband sent me.
He asked me to give you this.
- What is it?
- Soap.
Oh, soap.
Thank you.
Maybe you"d like some tea?
- No, we have to go.
- Why?
- I don"t have enough time.
Tell me.
How is he?
- Pavlov?
He"s fine.
He"s worried about you.
Thank you.
Don"t tell him
about what you"ve seen here.
Although maybe...
the truth is better.
Don"t look at me like that.
You"re still young.
Who are you here to see?
- We"re looking for Pavlov.
- Vasilii Yegorovich!
It"s for me.
Sergei sent him!
How is he?
- Don"t worry, everything"s fine.
Your son sent me.
Here, he sent you a little package.
- Soap!
- He"s alive?
Of course he"s alive!
This means he"s alive.
Thank you.
So this is a present from him.
Grandpa, lie down.
You"re not supposed to--
- Is he wounded?
- Not at all. He"s perfectly healthy.
What"s the matter with me?
Please sit down.
Баллада о солдате Баллада о солдате

Читайте также:
- текст Война в доме на английском
- текст Автора! Автора! на английском
- текст Кобра на английском
- текст Непосредственный мальчуган на английском
- текст День полнолуния на английском

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