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Мой телохранитель

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Hey, killer.
Where are you going?
Is this your tough bike?
This your tough bike?
Don't look so tough to me.
Think I'm tough enough
to ride this?
Come on. Get up.
I think I want to ride it.
I said, get up!
Let's see how tough this bike is.
Hey, don't!
Let me go!
Moody, you said
this guy was bad.
Don't look so bad to me.
- What's it take to get him going?
- Get up, man!
Leave him alone.
Hey, this is a drag.
Call me when
you really need me.
I like to earn my money.
Want me to kick your ass?
Yes or no?
Yeah, he wants me
to kick his ass.
Yeah, he wants me
to kick his...
What are you doing, Moody?
Don't. Put the bike back.
Moody, don't do that.
Moody, don't! Moody!
Hey, yeah! Yeah!
Are you okay?
Why didn't you fight?
Where are you going?
Come on,
where are you going?
Anyone there?
Hi. Is Ricky home?
No. Who are you?
I'm a friend from school.
He was supposed
to be home hours ago.
What's your name?
- Clifford.
- If you see him,
tell him he should get home.
How did you get up here?
I need some money.
Where were you?
I looked everywhere for you.
You got any money?
Come on.
Give me some money.
Six bucks is all I got.
Thanks, Cliff.
You're a good kid.
Oh, well, that's great.
"Give me money. Thanks, bye."
That's real class.
Where are you going?
Wait up!
Wait up, damn it!
- Slow down, will you?
- Go home, Clifford.
You got a nice place, a nice family.
Just leave me alone.
- It's the fight, isn't it?
- I couldn't fight. So what?
I never wanted to be anyone's damned
bodyguard, anyway. I told you that.
It's on account
of your brother.
You can't fight because of
what happened to your brother.
- That's it, isn't it?
- What do you know?
It's a lousy excuse.
It's nothing, Linderman.
Shut up!
You haven't talked
for over a year.
- You walk like an ape for nothing.
- Shut up, Clifford!
You build a bike to run away
for no reason, to go nowhere.
And let some jerk
throw it into the lake.
Shut up!
All because of something
you had nothing to do with.
I mean, anybody
could've found your brother.
It happened to be you.
Shut up!
I didn't find him!
I killed him!
I shot him!
We were home alone.
We were playing
with my dad's gun.
I was showing off
like a goddamn fool.
He wanted to hold it.
I said you're not allowed to.
He grabbed it, and it fired.
My God, I was laughing
when it went off.
Blood gushed out of the side of
his head, and he didn't even know it.
Know what he worried about?
That when Dad got home,
he'd get spanked.
The last thing he said to me,
he said, "You're gonna have
to take the blame for this one."
I couldn't even do that right.
I lied.
I put the gun in his hand
and said I found him that way.
Damn it.
I never told anyone before.
It wasn't your fault. You didn't mean
for it to happen.
I'm sorry, Clifford.
I know you mean well.
I let everybody down.
It's the way I am.
Go home, Clifford.
Where's the funeral?
It can't be that bad.
It's worse than ever.
They took my bus fare.
They flushed my lunch
down the john.
They called my mother names
I never even heard of.
I'm going to quit school.
I'll never graduate anyway.
- Where are you going?
- Home, I guess.
Come on.
I'll buy you both a drink.
- He might have tried calling.
- He'll be back.
- He just needs time to think.
- Hope you're right.
I'm always right.
That's what you'll learn about me.
Someday you'll say, "Shelley, darling,
you're always right."
Hey, look. Over there.
It's Linderman.
Did you get that
out of there yourself?
I know.
Dumb question.
I was really scared.
I can cheat, can't I?
It's only a game.
Go ahead.
Hey, where did you guys find my bike?
You been fishing?
Oh, no.
Thanks. I'll take it now.
Hey, Mike.
Moody, you're a real bastard.
Linderman, you picking
on Moody again? Huh?
- You're really beginning to annoy me.
Мой телохранитель Мой телохранитель

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