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Звездный Путь: Встреча капитанов

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enough with this."
Or does it always take you by surprise
-that people have been moved?
-That's a good question.
When could it be enough?
When they start touching you.
Yeah, inappropriate behaviour.
Inappropriate physical contact
is too much, I find.
-But that's never been your policy.
-Can you define inappropriate?
Well, you know, people want you to sign
body parts, for instance.
-Sometimes they're no longer attached.
-I've done that.
-You've never done that?
-I've never signed a body part.
No. You know what?
I won't sign money, either.
Well, I think it's because
I'm not an American citizen.
I feel, if I were to sign a dollar bill,
that they might arrest me
or take away my green card, you know.
So I won't sign money
and I won't sign body parts.
Fears. It's Fear Factor.
You may wanna reconsider
the body parts thing.
-Well, it's just...
You've signed body parts, I bet,
haven't you, Bill?
Seriously, I'm flattered when
people say, "You've affected my life."
I'm flattered by it.
But there are permutations.
I remember an experience I had
early on, because Spock
is the Science Officer
and supposed to have
all this amazing scientific knowledge.
I was invited to go to Caltech,
a major technical institute of learning.
And I was introduced
to these genius young people.
And they're talking their way
through their projects,
explaining to me what they're doing,
and I don't understand a word,
not a word about what they're saying,
and I'm just nodding sagely.
And then finally, they finish explaining
what they're doing
and then they would say,
"Well, what do you think?" You know.
And I would wisely say something like,
"You're on the right track."
-It could be embarrassing.
Hoping they wouldn't say,
"What track?"
Because you saw...
I'm hoping they wouldn't say,
"What track was that?"
Right. 'Cause we were so identified
with the characters.
-You know.
But if you treat the question seriously,
I mean, not sort of
inappropriate behaviour,
however you define that,
but what we know to be true, like NASA.
In the days when we were
doing the show,
NASA would be sending up rockets,
trying to get to the moon,
and our ratings would go up
when the rocket went up.
And as our ratings went up,
more money was appropriated
to NASA because of the popularity
of our show.
And so, from time to time,
one of us would be invited to a rocket
-lift off.
And it was extraordinary.
And I was invited
to see the LEM, the Lunar Module,
and in fact got into the Lunar Module
with all those people.
When I came out of...
Well, I was in the Lunar Module.
I've told this story before,
but it's, I suppose,
not inappropriate here.
And I was lying down in the hammock
where ultimately one of the astronauts
manoeuvred the craft to the moon.
And I'm looking there,
and right over here,
right here, there's a lead window,
a leaded glass window,
so that you could see out.
For some reason,
they wanted the astronauts
to be able to use a sextant
or something to shoot the stars.
And as I'm looking at it,
a star field that they were projecting
from someplace in the building,
the Enterprise shot across.
And when I came down...
-I never told you this?
And when I came down the stairs,
'cause there was gigantic stairs,
it was like coming out
of some church or...
And walked down these stairs,
there were 5,000 engineers
that had all collected.
They were all in on the joke.
Because earlier in the day, when it was
announced that I was coming,
they went down to someplace
and they bought a model.
And all these engineers were putting
the model together
and then they photographed it
to shoot across.
They all laughed,
and I came down and signed
on the model that they finally made,
"See you on the moon."
'Cause it was just shortly
before they went to the moon.
And that was part of
the Star Trek popularity
Звездный Путь: Встреча капитанов Звездный Путь: Встреча капитанов

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