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Главная / Женя, Женечка и "Катюша"

Женя, Женечка и "Катюша"

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You think you're so valuable.
Don't go. I was mean and rude.
Hit me. Just don't go away.
You're delirious, kid. Go sleep it off.
It's nonsense.
I'm the only woman around here,
that's the problem.
Did you hear that?
You tricked her, polyglot. Served her right.
Where's the stash? Where's the parcel?
Let others feed the bitch.
You'll share yours with us.
What's the matter with you?
Stop that, Kolyshkin!
That's enough, Zakhar!
At the lumber mill they'd show you.
Are you nuts?
What are you clinging to me like
a leech for, moron?
- What? Where? Germans?
- No, our own guys...
Bunk beds are a lot more comfortable.
The smart fellow gets to sleep on top,
the happy one below.
Bear your cross.
I do, I do! Calm down, Madame.
Is this booze? Wait...
She'll regret it.
He punched me first.
What's that?
What's the matter with you?
Go get some sleep, kid.
Kolyshkin! We thought the Krauts got you.
They did, Lieutenan, sir!
Have you ever been to a lumber mill, sir?
Give me some water.
Permission to change the water, sir!
- Don't worry about it.
- It's not very clean.
I said, don't worry about it!
I didn't know you were a drinker.
Lieutenant, next time you're in Moscow, call me.
I'll introduce you to my dog.
Kolyshkin, you think it's funny, you
drunken fool!
Back when I was a kid,
I believed that no matter what you were sick with ...
...there was nothing better for it
than King of Denmark's drops.
And ever since the little flame of that faith
has been burning in me.
King of Denmark's drops -
drink up, cavaliers!
Zakhar, Zakhar! Let me out of here!
I don't know how I got into this barn!
I'm so thirsty, I'm going to die. Zakhar?
What? Just sit there and be quiet.
But I'm thirsty!
Why should I sit in the woodshed?!
I'm thirsty!
A cup of brine is very good for the hangover.
So ... they put me in here ...
Krauts from the rear!
They're trying to surround us!
Get down, Kolyshkin! Get down!
That parcel knocked out your memory.
We took some prisoners. Then
the Lieutenant goes, where's Kolyshkin?
He shouldn't drink if he can't hold
his liquor.
Good morning!
- And then?
- Oh, leave me alone.
"And then, and then."
They'll send you to the penal batallion.
Now you've done it.
My hat. My hat. What happened to my hat?
Where is my hat?
Give me some water!
Give me some water! I'm thirsty!
I don't have any.
Give me water, give me some water!
Open the door, let me out, give me water!
Give me some water, open the door.
Water, freedom! Hey, jailer!
Easy! What are you making so much noise for?
And circuses.
I've got to go to the john. Get it?
Lieutenant, sir! Lieutenant, sir!
What's going on? Germans?
Kolyshkin wants to go to the john.
Kosykh, we haven't had any sleep in three days.
I asked you to awaken me only
in an emergency! What the hell!
What's that?
Strong tea. It'll help.
Oh, it's you.
Lieutenant, sir!
Kolyshkin wants to go to the john.
How can I help that?
Well, you know ...
All right, take him.
Take him! And show him.
Yes sir!
Do you mind? I don't need witnesses for this.
I'd like some privacy.
Fine, just be quick.
I can't really control that.
Good morning!
Hello. Why are you so restless?
- I'm in a hurry.
- Take this.
What's that?
Just keep pulling the cord. Do it!
Hey, little hedge-hog! There was no Onegin.
I demand that Monsieur Onegin
explain his despicale behavior.
A duel will show who's in the right!
I demand satisfaction!
You honorless seducer!
Run, run away, coward!
I must ask you to be my second!
I order you to shut up!
I can hear you. Can you hear me?
Can you believe the technology we have!
Does it hurt?
- What?
- Your head.
Last night I may have ...
The girls laughed when I was getting you your tea ...
Germans, Karavaev...
Remember my kindness, little hedge-hog!
Can you remember kissing the Lieutenant?
- Now they'll definitely send me to ...
- It's no big deal.
Женя, Женечка и "Катюша" Женя, Женечка и "Катюша"

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- текст Двое - это слишком на английском
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