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go on TV.
Think you were upset? I was upset.
I called him immediately.
I told him he was no friend of mine.
I hire this out
to kill people, right?
And I'm responsible for a lot
of big murders. Unsolved murders.
Remember a certain labour leader
that just disappeared?
Jimmy Hoffa?
I'm not bragging,
but I had a good living...
...until the economy
went in the toilet.
Everybody wants to bargain,
even the rich dudes.
They want me to give them a deal,
but I don't make deals.
I know what you mean.
I was raised a very strict
southern Baptist.
I place a high value on human life:
$20,000 minimum.
It's very fair.
You think I wasn't embarrassed
stooping to armed robbery?
Using that phony accent in that cafй?
I've never been called
a "honky mo'fo" before.
I had to be somebody, and we blame
everything on blacks anyway.
- Sure.
- So I'm a putz.
A putz?
When I told you I wasn't
wearing underwear...
...and you pointed that gun at me,
I felt like a putz too.
You didn't want to strip, eh?
The place was too crowded, wasn't it?
I better get home. If I'm gone
long, the old lady gets mad.
- You want some coffee before you go?
- No, that caffeine makes me quick.
If you don't mind, I would like to use
your pillow. Muffle the gunshot.
- You're still gonna kill me?
- It's business, and I got a family.
I got a family too.
Their pictures are on the wall.
- Is that your daughter?
- Yeah.
Looks like my oldest daughter.
She's a very sweet girl.
Hey, is that who I think that is?
- Is that Trini Lopez there?
- That's right, that's Trini.
That's me and his chauffeur.
They came in for gasoline
and new wipers.
"Lemon Tree". Remember that?
He made a record of that song.
- Yeah, the record.
- What's that Spanish writing there?
Or "Gracias por la gasolina".
What does gracias...?
"Thanks for pouring the gas".
- That's it.
- Writes funny, don't it?
Back to business.
- Who is it?
- I don't know, I swear to God.
- I don't know.
- Come on, move.
I don't know who that is.
I'm coming, I'm coming.
Okay, okay, I'm coming.
- Is Sonny here?
- You're the guy from the news.
- Yes, I'm Don Quinelle.
- Hi, come in.
- He's upstairs.
- He must have seen me on the news...
...he left a message
on my machine with carnal verbs.
He's awake. I heard him stir.
If I could see him...
Don't! I woke him up before,
and he got really mad.
Could you wake him again?
Just tell him I'm here.
No way, no way.
I'll give you a dollar.
Why aren't you in bed?
- Get him in here.
- I can't.
I said, get him in here.
I can't do that. He's an idiot,
but I can't double-cross him.
- Shut up. Be quiet.
- I won't do it.
No, don't bother. I've got to go.
Don't bother waking him.
I better be going.
I'll get back to him
tomorrow, okay? Bye-bye.
He's gone.
I didn't hear a door slam.
Forgot my hat.
All right.
Move. Move.
Oh, God.
You creamed that sucker.
I did, didn't I?
I didn't know I had that in me.
I saw my life flash before me.
You really hit him hard.
I thought it was him,
I was right there...
...and I heard the voice.
Then I heard that "keep quiet."
I ran down, and all of a sudden...
...then he goes, he says...
I'm sorry.
I don't know, it's strange
and then, and then...
I got this. Then I ran upstairs,
I got... You came out.
I almost got you.
Then you came out and then, wham!
And then I just... Wham!
Then he dropped
like a sack of potatoes.
I got this. I guess I improvised.
I didn't know I had it in me.
The thing that makes me
grab things, hurt things.
I'm babbling now.
He's not dead, is he?
I didn't hit him hard,
I'm not covered for that.
He's okay, he moved.
- He's waking.
- Thank God.
Maybe you better hit him again.
Oh, you hit him.
No, I can't hit him. You hit him.
You have the technique down.
- I already hit him.
- Just a little tap.
- I got this.
- Jeez.
I'll keep him cops,
you call the cover.
There we go, that'
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