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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Волшебная лампа Аладдина

Волшебная лампа Аладдина

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  
She dreamed it all.
Everybody understood us?
Be off with you!
I even saw in a dream
that I taught crocodiles
to read in Persian.
I have also dreamed
that I was a minaret
and that from my top
the muezzins were crying.
I have even dreamed
that my hair walked
to the bazaar to buy a comb.
So what?
So you've only dreamed
about that beggar.
If I dreamed it, how come
Mubarak fought with him?
I'm told that yesterday you
fought with some beggar.
Yesterday I didn't go any place.
I mean I hunted and killed...
A lion.
A lion! Yes!
I remember it very well.
I was in Bagdad and I saw a goat.
- Awhat?
- A goat.
It's true. And Mustafa
brought me back to the palace.
I'm told that yesterday...
Who? Me?
The last two days I spent in bed
with a toothache.
Our daughter Boudour,
we're not angry with you.
Tell me, it did happen, didn't it?
You did scold me about Aladdin!
I scolded you about Prince
Abou Abdul ibn-Abdul...
- No! Aladdin!
- I've never heard of Aladdin.
How can it be? Aladdin!
Then I dreamed it.
All this was just a dream.
Tomorrow you'll lose your head.
Any other news?
Do you hear that music?
I'm marrying Princess Boudour!
Are you in there?
I hear and obey.
Have you no shame?
Why did you let them
throw Aladdin in a dungeon?
All you had to do is to rub
the lamp.
- Couldn't you guess it yourself?
- It's not my concern.
I knew it would end badly!
Oh, my heart's joy!
My little camel!
Bring Aladdin back!
Take your lamp and your Genie!
I never want to see them again!
I'll teach you how to fly
on dragons!
I'll teach you how to ask
for Princess Boudour's hand!
I pray that's not the goat!
The lamp will be mine!
Oh, the brightest of all stars!
He flew away!
He's flown away!
- Where's Mubarak?
- Who has flown away?
What is the meaning of this?
Get me down from here!
What are you doing there?
Come down!
I can't! Get me down from here!
How did you climb up there?
Let him stay up there!
I'm stuck!
- Why did you climb up there?
- I didn't climb up there.
Everybody saw you up there!
Since you climbed up there,
you might as well say so.
Oh great Sultan, pardon
this foolish child!
It is only because he's young
and has too much passion.
All right. We'll leave them
once more.
Stay here!
- What if he flies away again?
- Just let him try to.
Oh, heavenly one...
Oh, the brightest of all...
Good night, Boudour!
I'm the son of the Grand Vizier!
What a clever Genie!
What would the son of a vizier
be doing in a jar?
Make way for the Great Sultan!
So, whoever is stuffed in the jar
claims to be my son!
Who is in there?
Mubarak! Is that you?
- Get them all out of here!
- Get them out!
- Why did you get in the jar?
- I didn't.
Lousy liar!
Everyone saw you in that jar.
Why did you stuff yourself
in there?
Whether or not he got in there
no longer interests us.
If he prefers stuffing jars to
half my kingdom and my daughter,
just let him stuff them.
Announce it to all of Bagdad!
From this moment on, the son
of the Vizier and Princess Boudour
are no longer husband and wife!
In ten thousand years
I haven't laughed so much!
Let's stuff someone else
into a jar!
Wait. We've other things to do.
Go away!
Because when I wake up and you're
not here, it will be so painful.
Let this dream go on and on...
I don't want to wake up.
It's no dream.
I simply have a Genie friend.
Don't you believe me? Rub this.
Then it wasn't a dream,
but pure and simple magic?
- You can do anything?
- That's right!
You must swear it.
It's you women who need to swear,
but we Genies
always speak the truth.
Well, then, bring me a peach.
So it was real!
I was not dreaming at all.
They have deceived me!
- What's all this for?
- The wedding!
- Whose wedding?
- Ours. Don't interefere.
- Salam.
- Salam.
What is all this?
- What does it mean?
- It means you're sleeping.
- What d'
Волшебная лампа Аладдина Волшебная лампа Аладдина

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- текст Великий Зигфилд на английском
- текст Арахнофобия на английском
- текст Семнадцать мгновений весны на английском
- текст Джо на английском
- текст Гиперболоид инженера Гарина на английском

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