The earth's population is growing out of control. By the end of the millennium we will number approximately 7 billion. The need for food will double. The need for mineral resources will triple. Water consumption will increase four fold. General demand for natural resources is growing rapidly. ...therefore resources must be used prudently and reasonably. But, first of all, we must know and understand our Planet. Do we? Our knowledge is clearly insufficient. Comprehensive geographical maps are unavailable for up to 40o/o of the Earth's surface. Not to mention detailed geological maps and those of the world's vegetation. The world's fresh water resources are not well documented. Man cannot be reproached for disinterest in his own planet. Contrary,... such a suggestion, people have all always been inquisitive and traveled far and wide. Continually studying the earth, we perpetually roam about it, though to put it more correctly, we are but crawling... ...upon it's surface, unable to do otherwise. We gather data like crumbs overcoming each kilometer arduously. Charting, as well as studying the geological composition... ... of the earth's crust, is taking a monstrous amount of time. Complex is the world, and incredibly large. But big things are better seen from afar. Perhaps, that is what induces Man's eternal desire to rise as high as the skies. To grasp it all from on high, at a glance. The time had come. Man broke his terrestrial bounds and took flight. From the air, we began discovering our planet anew and many new opportunities emerged. Ice prospecting, detecting forest fires... ...and mapping regions difficult to access. You name it! But globally airplanes also crawl though above the planet's surface. The field of vision is narrow. And Man wished he could see whole countries from above. This dream has also come true. The space era has begun! Do you remember Gagarin's happy voice saying: ''I see the Earth!'' A new meaning was put into these words: ''I see planet Earth!'' For thousands of years, clouds had been a ceiling above our heads. Airplanes broke through the ceiling and viewed it from above. And now, seen from a satellite, they look like tiny lumps beneath our feet. And the entire Earth can be seen. Meteorologists were the first to employ the advantage of space technologies. It is the soviet satellite ''Meteor''. Its TV lenses are facing the earth. Each camera has a field of vision of approximately five hundred by five hundred kilometers. The image is magnetically taped by the satellite. One after another. When passing over a station receiving radio signals, the images are transmitted to earth. Here it is dubbed... ...and then photo printed. Under the treaty with the UsA,... ... we can receive the images from their''EssA'' satellites. ...From many photos we glean a general picture of the cloud cover over the entire continent. Then the cloud picture is analyzed. For instance, here's a cloud vortex in the region of Iceland,... ...a so called occlusion front, a mass of clouds. The cold front promises snowfalls and the warm front brings rains. On the basis of the information from satellites plus the data obtained by terrestrial weather stations... ...synoptic maps are compiled. such maps are used for weather forecasts,... ... which are immediately communicated to all organizations concerned. With the help of special fax machines maps themselves are transmitted to various regions. The system seemed to be good enough, but Man wanted more. It took too long and was inconvenient to compile maps from pieces of information every day. An instant general view of the whole Planet was desired. . In 1968, our satellite ''ZOND 5'' photographed Earth as a whole. No assemble was required. Weather over the entire hemisphere was immediately perceivable: clouds over North Africa, cumuli along the equator,... ... strati around the ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Звёздный путь: Возмездие на английском - текст Молох на английском - текст Слияние разумов: Секреты путешествия длиною в жизнь на английском - текст Части тела на английском - текст Новичок на английском |