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It's me, Nick Adams.
Come in.
What was it?
I was up at George's.
Two fellows came in
and tied up me and the cook,
and they said
they were going to kill you.
They put us out in the kitchen.
They were going to shoot you
when you came in to supper.
George thought I better come
and tell you about it.
There isn't anything
I can do about it.
Want me to tell you
what they were like?
I don't want to know
what they were like.
Thanks for coming to tell me about it.
That's all right.
Don't you want me to go
to the police?
No. That wouldn't do any good.
Isn't there something
I could do for you?
There ain't anything to do.
Maybe it was just a bluff.
No. It ain't just a bluff.
The only thing is,
I just can't make up my mind to go out.
I've been in here all day.
Couldn't you get out of town?
I'm through running away from them.
There ain't anything to do now.
Couldn't you fix it up some way?
It's too late.
There ain't anything to do.
After I lie here a while,
I'll make up my mind to go out.
I better go back and see George.
So long.
Thanks for coming around.
- Did you see Ole?
- Yes.
He's in his room
and he won't go out.
Did you tell him about it?
Of course I told him.
But he knows what it's all about.
What's he going to do?
They'll kill him.
Of course they'll kill him.
It's a hell of a thing.
It's an awful thing.
What do you think he did?
Double-crossed somebody.
That's what they kill them for.
I'm going to get out of this town.
That's a good thing to do.
I can't stand to think about him
waiting in the room
and knowing he's going to get it.
It's awful to think about.
You better not think about it.

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