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Only I answer for all that happened!
But there is sense to speak about
only on the Earth.
On The Earth? Commander still
does believe in this possibility?
I believe thus far I live.
We will gather signal flare.
But fuel?
Let's attempt to penetrate into the strange spaceship.
It is possible, there is some form of energy.
You forget, commander, out of the ship
we are powerless, unarmed before this.
Light! Commander was first who caught this!
The killer is the creature of gloom,
and he must fear light!
All move away behind vehicle!
Lower filters!
Save eyes!
Save eyes!
What's there?
Kay, we go forward.
- But you will leave the light of "Tantra"!- We go!
- Terrestrial vehicle from the terrestrial spaceship!
- What vehicle? What spaceship?
I cannot accompany you by light!
Erg, where are you?
We go forward!
"Tantra"! We found terrestrial vehicle.
There are no people.
Kay, we go forward. Raise searchlights.
Try to accompany us.
In the last ten years no one ship
of first class has left the Earth.
Yes, but 15 years ago started 36th Starry.
- And one ship did not return.
- Do you think, this is "Sail"?
This is "Sail"! Terrestrial spaceship
of the first class. Gemini of our "Tantra".
Do you no longer like our work?
I am complacent, I am calm,
as if they treat me by blue dreams.
Yes, of course. After so many years
of contact with space...
our work seems small and dull.
In my opinion, in the past centuries
they already dug over everywhere, entire planet.
It was always so. Some look to the future,
others are investigating in the past.
The same will be after us, Veter.
I just talked with Mven Mas.
The stated time passed, but "Tantra" is still silent.
Something happened, Veter!
We know space so little.
Actually, we are trampling down
on the small scrap of space.
Kay, Lin! Be especially attentive!
Hold us always in light!
Somewhere there must be
the terminal of emergency light.
It would be funny.
Funny! It works!
The fourth.
- Ingrid, Kay, do you copy us?
- Yes, we do, commander.
- All is OK, Erg!
- We go inside!
Eon will inspect forward holds,
Niza and me the central station.
Pel and Lin inspect stern accomodations.
Pel, anameson is most important!
Niza, look for flight diary first!
Commander! Erg! Do you copy me?
Very well, Eon!
That means, that onboard radio equipment is working!
Attention! Central station speaking!
- Pel, do you copy?
- I do, commander.
Dust. Soot.
Nothing suspicious. Nothing super-natural.
Only two accumulations of incomprehensible origin,
on the floor and on the wall.
Here the same. In the corridor there is
a strange spot near the chamber 016.
Just on the door, in the human's size.
- Did you enter the chamber?
- Yes, I did.
Why do you keep silent?
Perhaps I did not say?
There is anameson. Four containers.
"Tantra"! Friends! Do you hear?
My dears, we are saved!
May be someone will finally
turn off this damned signal?
Commander! Flight diary!
Today, 12th of 7th month of 323th year of Ring,
we all, who were survived, finished
the preparation of rocket-transmitter.
Tomorrow we will send that calculated...
...I switch on more...
Something happened!
What happened? That, that they collected...
Rescued two. Blanca did not jump so far... elevator...
We could not close doors, only second one.
Mechanics reached the engines. He struck by planetary.
They, besides fury and horror, nothing. Yes, nothing...
Seems that Kton also did not reach. I am alone.
I am alone. But I devised!
Before I begin... Brothers, if you find "Sail",
I warn, never leave your ship.
I have to investigate about Kton.
I will explain in detail when I return.
Where is the music? Where is the song?
According to tradition, accepted among the astronauts,
let us recall the killed comrades.
Dear friends! Thanks to you!
We promise to return,
and report your discovery to humanity,
convey your love to
Туманность Андромеды Туманность Андромеды

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- текст Ночной Дозор на английском

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