Longview State Correctional Facility Marcus. How are you? It's been an hour. I thought I'd try... one last time. You should have stayed in San Francisco, Dr. Kogan. By signing this conscent form You'll be donating your body to a noble cause You'd have a second chance... through my research to live again. You know what I did. My brother and two cops are dead because of me. I'm not lookin' for a second chance. But I'm not the only one with a death sentence, am I? Do you think I'm gonna kill your cancer this permanent? I'm not worried about myself. I'm worried about the future of the human race. I'll sell it to you. For what? A kiss. So that's what death tastes like. CyberDyne Systems Genetics Division Donor Informed Consent Willed Body Release You are doing something very noble. Just cut me up until there's nothing left. I'm guilty. That I walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death. I will fear no evil. For thou art with me, thy rod and my staff, they comfort me. Do you have any last words? Early in the 21st century, Skynet, a military defense program, became self-aware. Viewing humanity as a threat to its existence, Skynet decided to strike first. The survivors of the nuclear fire called the event Judgement Day. They lived only to face a new nightmare... The war against the machines. To hunt down and eradicate humans, Skynet built Terminators. As the war rages on, leaders of the Human Resistance grow desperate. Some believe one man holds the key to salvation. Others believe he is a false prophet. His name is John Connor. The year is 2018. Approaching target: Skynet Research and Development Facility Bag Art, this is Black Hawk Six. Missile imbound to Skynet target. TTO 11 seconds, taken close. - Come on, come on! - Move, move! - Help, go back! - Right here! Connor is on the ground. This mission is a quick in-and-out. Command teams the information on those computers should be at the highest priority. Connor, there's no sign of the machines. They're gone. We too quiet. It's almost like they were waiting for us. What the hell's that smell, man? Whoa! You're seeing this? Olson. Objective located. There's something else you'd have to see. We got what we came for, Barbaros. The clock's ticking. Spread out, secure the perimeter. I got a big gap over here. Why didn't we know about this? Login Over-ride Skynet Terminal Sir, I think this is what Command's looking for. I'm in their source code. These people are being taken up north to San Francisco. Some sort of R&D project, for a new Terminator. Send it to Command. It's uploading, I need two minutes. Wait, wait, wait. Go back. Go back! Stop! T-800 Model 101 Cell #456 CyberNetic Organism - T-800. - A new Terminator. Thought you said it would be... It's worse. Connor, get your nose out of that. None of your business. You're not leading this mission. Alright, let's cut these sorry bastards loose. Come on, let's go! - Jericho, come in. - What's that? Come in, Jericho. Connor, get your ass top-side. Remind those men they need to answer me on the radio, even if they're dead. Connor! Connor, get those men to respond. Olson, something's wrong up here. Top-side, come in! Help out enemy aircraft, I'm in pursuit. There are human prisoners aboard there. Get after 'em! Data transferred to plane. Connor, we're joining you, top-- Bravo Ten, Bravo Ten. Do you copy? Over. Eagle White to Bravo Ten. Bravo Ten, do you copy? Over. Bravo Ten, Bravo Ten, do you copy? Over. Here. Bravo Ten, identify. Over. Connor! We'll send units to the extraction point. How many survivors are outside? Over. One. Copy. woarh ............ Return to base, sir? RGB? Negative. Take me to Command. Sir. Command! Roger, re-routing. Request has ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Вовка в Тридевятом царстве на английском - текст Вий на английском - текст Столкновение на английском - текст Говорящая голова на английском - текст Бежим без оглядки на английском |