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Certify it.
I know.
Yeah, Skull croaked.
What was his real name?
...don't you have any other songs?
Why, for you mister commander?
Of course, we'll do it!
Maestro, music!
...and then from the Christmas
tree sprang a yellow angel
and said: poor Maestro, you are
tired, you are ill..
They say at night you sing
the tango at the haunts!
Even in our bright sky everyone was amazed..
Where did you get that from?
From one very compassionate bitch.
She'd bring a guy home, put him away,
put the record on..and off she goes!
And what were you in that house?
lt was in the manner of a dog.
Bring this, bring that. Mail the cards,
bring mother some wine,
don't you see she's tired?
So that was your mother?
Who else?
And afterwards?
Cops took her, kicked him out.
And yourfather:?
Afather? What's a father, mister commander?
Anton Viacheslavich, not mister commander.
Yessir, Anton Viacheslavich! Mister commander.
Tiapa, good song :.
Cot, hey Cot.
Cot, maybe I should tell the truth about my
father being at the front,
maybe they'll let me go
Are you stupid?
They won't let you go,
they'll shoot you.
-You are a murderer and you signed their papers.
-They'll shoot me anyway.
Why do you think so?
We're not stupid, like Skull,..
..we'll do the smart thing.
We'll figure it out.
Let's sleep on it for now..
-Hurry up, it's about to rain.
Why are you giving extra food to two boys?
I'd like to know who's the squealer around here?
Every other one.
So, who are the boys?
-Well, the rare kind of scum.
-So, who?
Tiapa and Cot.
Yeah, the rarest.
One is a hardened thief,
the other, a young killer.
Anton, and what are we?
You shouldn't have taken me out, it
would have been better if I served my time.
And what is this, a camping trip?
You're serving yourtime here too!
We never sent children to die!
War is that kind of time!
Don't aim forthe head fuckers, don't risk it.
Shoot the chest, the stomach, doesn't matter
where as long as he goes down. You might even live
Where'd you get that?
From a camel.
The camel's name doesn't happen
to be Pasha, does it?
-..has anyone climbed to the castle?
-Go ahead and try, there's two Guards up there.
Ah, Vova-Studerwith his brown nosers.
Give me a smoke.
Listen, Studebaker, give those back.
Who do you think you're talking to? You weren't
even born when I was in prison.
Been on the front five times.
Last night you said "four".
You bitch, have you decided
to count all my terms?
Turns out, whatever you try your hand at they
grab your sorry ass and throw you in a slammer.
A real made
You a Jew or an Armenian?
-A bit of both.
-Cut it out, Studer!
-Shut up, filthy dogs. What, are you
tired of living?
-And you, dirty Jew, answer me,
are you circumcised or not?
-Why don't you come take a look?
Take it out, take it out you uncut Jew.
I'll return you to the real Hasidic tradition.
wait a minute...
Tough son of a bitch.
What are you standing around for,
get him out of here!
Thank you..
Why are you standing around?
Take him to the infirmary,
say that Vova Studer slipped...
on a rock, hit his head.
Take the rope off, idiots!
Still smoking?
Can't even breathe at this altitude, swine..
Are you really a Jew?
I call myself a Moldavian for safety.
Here, hold on to it.
Give me you hand.
Climb up!. Come on, Cot,
come on.
Go! Go! Go!
-You are ok?
-I can't hear anything!
-His ears are bleeding!
-That's ok, it happens. They'll bleed
for a bit and then they'll stop.
-Prince, how about you?
Yeah, seems like it. Only...
I dropped the crank, what happens now?
...what happens now?
-We'll shoot you.
-How are you, though?
-I think I'm whole.
Why is it, Prince, you're never sure:
"I think, maybe so"?
Well, now, Anton Viachslavich, is a time when
you can never be completely sure.
-Ayoung bandit philosopher,
Сволочи Сволочи

Читайте также:
- текст Они сражались за Родину на английском
- текст Его звали Роберт на английском
- текст Единственный сын на английском
- текст Возможности карьеры на английском
- текст Зеркальце на английском

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