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Главная / Суинни Тодд, маньяк-парикмахер с Флит Стрит

Суинни Тодд, маньяк-парикмахер с Флит Стрит

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Up there?
Oh, no one will go near it...
People think it's haunted.
And who's to say they're wrong?...
You see, years ago,
something happened up there.
Something not very nice...
There was a barber and his wife,
and he was beautiful,
a proper artist with a knife,
but they transported him for life.
And he was beautiful...
Barker, his name was - Benjamin Barker.
Transported? What was his crime?
He had this wife, you see,
pretty little thing,
silly little nit.
Had her chance for the moon on a string-
Poor thing. Poor thing.
There was this Judge, you see,
wanted her like mad.
Every day he’d send her a flower,
but did she come down from her tower?
Sat up there and sobbed by the hour,
Poor fool.
Ah, but there was worse
yet to come, poor thing.
The Beadle calls on her, all polite,
poor thing, poor thing.
The Judge, he tells her,
is all controlled,
he blames himself for her dreadful plight
She must come straight
to his house tonight!
Poor thing, poor thing.
Of course, when she goes there,
poor thing, poor thing,
they're having this ball all in masks.
There's no one she knows there,
poor dear, poor thing.
She wanders tormented, and drinks,
poor thing.
The Judge has repented, she thinks,
poor thing.
Oh, where is Judge Turpin?
She asks.
He was there, all right-
Only not so contrite!
She wasn’t no match for such craft,
you see,
And everyone thought it so droll.
They figured she had to be daft,
you see,
So all of ‘em stood there
and laughed, you see,
Poor soul!
Poor thing!
Would no one have mercy on her?
So it is you - Benjamin Barker.
Where's Lucy?!
Where’s my wife?!
She poisoned herself.
Arsenic from the
apothecary on the corner.
I tried to stop her but she
wouldn't listen to me.
And he's got your daughter.
He? Judge Turpin?
Adopted her like his own.
Fifteen years of sweating in a
living hell on a false charge.
Fifteen years dreaming that
I might come home
to find a loving wife and child...
Well, I can't say the years have been
particularly kind to you,
Mr. Barker, but you still-
No, not Barker. That man is dead.
It's Todd now. Sweeney Todd...
And he will have his revenge.
Come in! Nothing to
be afraid of, love.
When they came for the girl, I hid 'em.
I hid just some of 'em.
Those handles is chased
silver, ain't they?
Silver, yes...
These are my friends,
see how they glisten.
See this one shine,
how he smiles in the light.
My friend, my faithful friend.
Speak to me friend,
Whisper, I'll listen.
I know, I know-
You've been locked out of sight
all these years-
Like me, my friend.
Well, I've come home
To find you waiting.
and we're together,
and we'll do wonders,
won't we?
You there, my friend,
- I'm your friend too, Mr. Todd,
come, let me hold you.
- If you only knew, Mr. Todd.
Now, with a sigh
- Oh, Mr. Todd,
you're warm in my hand,
- My friend,
- You've come home.
- My clever friend.
- Always had a fondness for you, i did.
Rest now, my friends.
- Never you fear, Mr. Todd,
Soon I'll unfold you.
- you can move in here, Mr. Todd.
Soon you'll know splendors you
never have dreamed all your days...
will be yours.
- My lucky friends.
I'm your friend too.
- Till now your shine
I think they shine beautiful.
- was merely silver.
Silver's good enough for me, Mr. Todd.
- Friends,
you shall drip rubies,
You'll soon drip precious rubies...
Leave me...
At last my arm is complete again.
Green finch and linnet bird,
nightingale, blackbird,
how is it you sing?
How can you jubilate,
sitting in cages,
never taking wing?
Outside the sky waits,
beckoning, beckoning,
just beyond the bars.
How can you remain,
staring at the rain,
maddened by the stars?
How is it you sing
How is it you sing?
My cage has many rooms,
damask and dark.
Nothing there sings,
not even my lark.
Larks never will, you know,
when they're captive.
Teach me to be more adaptive.
Green finch
Суинни Тодд, маньяк-парикмахер с Флит Стрит Суинни Тодд, маньяк-парикмахер с Флит Стрит

Читайте также:
- текст Филин и кошечка на английском
- текст Ух ты, говорящая рыба! на английском
- текст Московская элегия на английском
- текст Антикиллер 2: Антитеррор на английском
- текст Язык нежности на английском

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