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Frankie ?
I mean, uh, yes, sir,
my whole life.
Well, then you must have
been to the Huntington Gardens.
Have you ?
Oh, I hear the roses
are absolutely fabulous.
I don't think that Frankie goes
for things like that very much.
She spends most of
her spare time reading.
Oh, well, since you've
never been there either,
maybe we should go together
one of these days.
We'll bring your mother along.
We'll make a day of it.
I mean, if she likes roses.
Does she ?
[ Glass Tips Over ]
Oh, don't worry about that.
It's all right.
These things happen.
You'd better get into
the kitchen, put some cold water
on that before it stains.
It's all right.
Her mother's dead.
I didn't know that.
How was I supposed
to know that ?
Let me see.
It's ruined.
Here, let me--
Look.  Why don't you just go
talk about roses or something ?
Frankie, she didn't mean
anything by it.
Right, Morgan.
Morgan, I'm sorry.
Frankie !  Frankie !
Excuse me !
I promised Ronnie
I'd meet her at Woolworth's
to look at wedding rings.
You know, Frankie,
you don't belong to Nick.
Well, maybe not,
but I don't belong
to you either.
Can we take him out now ?
No, he's later.
I gotta go see
my girlfriend now.
[ Engine Starts ]
Hi, baby.
Where you going ?
I've been looking
all over the place for you.
Frankie ?
You're missing your mama
again, aren't you ?
Come here.
Come here.
Why don't you come with us ?
Come on.  Come on.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Man ]
## Teddy sniffing glue
he was 12 years old ##
## Fell from the roof
on east two-nine ##
## Kathy was 11
when she pulled the plug ##
I'm sorry, Nick.
I'm just so--
Check that out.
I know.  No, come on.
Come on.  Gimme a kiss.
Just kiss me.
A good one.
Yo, man,
gimme that bottle.
Come on.  Here.
It won't go on, man.
That'll clear things up,
right ?
Better ?
Yeah ?
So, what do you think ?
You guys feel like, uh,
kicking up a little dust
or what ?
Yeah, man.
It's about time.
I'm serious.
Jesus Christ.
Yo, let's hit
Feather's pad.
## Some bitchin' proof
And Herbie said
Tony, can you fly ##
## But Tony couldn't fly
Tony died ##
## Those are people
who died, died ##
## Those are people
who died, died ##
## Those are people
who died, died ##
## Those are people
who died, died ##
## They were all my friends
and they just died ##
## Mary took a dry dive
from a hotel room ##
## Bobby hung himself
from his cell in the tombs ##
## Judy jumped in front
of a subway train ##
## Eddie got slit
in the jugular vein ##
## And, Eddie, I miss you
more than all the others ##
## And I salute you, brother ##
## Those are people
who died, died ##
## Those are people
who died, died ##
## Those are people
who died, died ##
## Those are people
who died, died ##
## They were all my friends
and they just died ##
Yo, Nick.
How much longer are we
gonna be doing this, man ?
We've been driving around
for hours, bro.
That's right, and we're
gonna keep on driving until
I find what we're looking for.
I hope you find it soon,
man, 'cause I'm about
to pee in my pants.
So, shoot it
out the window, man.
Christ, just use your head.
Not a bad idea.
Hold onto this, bro.
Chill out.
All right, move.
This guy needs
a lifestyle.
Yo !
Good news, America.
Coming through.
Hey, it's chilly
out here.
## Died, died
Those are people
who died, died ##
## Those are people
who died, died ##
## Those are people
who died, died ##
## They were all my friends,
and they just died ##
Oh, shit !
I can't believe this.
We're running out of gas.
What ?
I said, we're running
out of gas.
Here, uh,
why don't you take this watch
and go ask that cabdriver...
if he'll trade it in
for a little change ?
I gave you this watch, Nick.
Don't you have any money ?
If I did, I wouldn't
ask you to trade it.
Come on.
[ Sighs ]
Uh, I can't do it, Nick.
I mean, I'd rather walk
than trade in this watch,
you know ?
Стенка на стенку Стенка на стенку

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