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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Садко


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She says you are a good-for-nothing.
You appeared from God knows where,
stirred up the people,
insulted the merchants.
You came into riches easily,
but squandered everything away.
How can I expect to be happy with you?
That is what mother says, not I.
She's right, I am a ne'rr-do-well.
No one can be happy with me.
I'm sick at heart, Lyubava.
I don't know what to do.
I want to do what's best,
but I get carried away,
as if by some rolling wave.
Your mother is right -
I'll be your ruin.
I don't believe mother.
And even if she's right,
I don't care.
Do as you wish.
I'll bear with grief,
I'll bear with pain,
so long as you do not leave me,
my beloved!
To part with you
is like cutting my heart in two.
To part with me?
Yes, Lyubava, if I get
the ships, I'll set sail.
Ah, you do not love me!
I love you more than life itself.
If I looked for happiness only for
myself, I would have never left you.
But I've promised the people.
I must keep my word.
Go, then, if your heart makes you to.
But remember that
my thoughts will always be with you.
This is all I have left.
Thank you very much, Princess.
Wake up, brothers!
Look at these riches!
Scoop up the gold,
and run to the wharf.
Summon the best craftsmen.
Let them build ships,
strong and fast.
With their sides like snakes.
With their bows and sterns
like beasts!
Make haste, brothers!
The blue ocean calls us!
You will not forget me?
I'll never forget you.
Wait for me, Lyubava!
Don't listen to vicious tongues.
I'll come back to you even if
from under the earth.
Look, they are my messengers.
I will send you one
every year.
Here, I embroidered this amulet
for you.
With our native soil.
It's time for you to go.
I will not see you off.
I don't want people to see my tears.
- What say you, merchants?
- Do not bear us a grudge, Sadko.
- One may imagine anything at night.
- But by dawn it dispels.
Let bygones be bygones, merchants.
He who doesn't run, never stumbles.
We can see now that you have
Novgorod's glory at heart.
That's what we want, too.
Aren't we the sons of Novgorod?
If you need our goods, take them.
Thank you, merchants,
for your kind words.
Go, Sadko,
work for the good of the people!
Guests aren't welcome here.
We come with peaceful hearts.
If they wish to trade with us, good.
If not, we'll bear them no malice.
We've just come to find
the bird of happiness.
- I doubt it is here.
- Let's ask people.
Whence come you
and who bid you here?
Why are you so unfriendly?
We've come from across the blue sea.
We bring you peace.
We wanted to see you, people,
and let you look at us.
We wish to trade with you.
Go, before it's too late!
Why are you so scared of us?
Another step -
and it will be your last!
Well, I can stop,
since the host insists.
Tell us, have you
the bird of happiness here?
Our happiness is
to kill our foes.
What sort of happiness is that,
spilling human blood?
Sometimes one is forced
to spill human blood,
but we don't feel happy about it.
Let us go from here.
We got our pants wetjust for nothing.
He's taken the step!
Charge, my sons!
Kill them.
Watch out, Sadko!
We did not lift a hand against them.
You've started it,
and you shall rue it!
Come on, brothers, beat them!
- What are you doing here?
- Give me the sword!
You're too young. Stay here,
on the ship.
You wanted blood, did you?
Cool off!
Hey, get a sail!
Bring me a sail! Quick!
Easy, you giant,
you'll damage the steed.
It will be alright.
Take it to the ship.
It will be a nice present
for Sadko.
What people!
- No bird of happiness can dwell here.
- Very unlikely.
Cheer up, brothers, we'll find it,
even if we have to go to earth's end.
A year passed,
and a second,
and a third is speeding away.
I've nigh gone blind with watching.
I've sung all the songs while waiting.
Where are you, my beloved?...
Hey, people, Christian and
so-and-so, such and such,
Садко Садко

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