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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Садко


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Hear me, free men!
I came to Novgorod with good news.
I wished to bring glory to Novgorod,
but the merchants
mocked at me.
They didn't believe a word of mine.
And here I'm saying before all
the people:
At sunrise tomorrow
I'll cast a net in Lake llmen
and catch
a wonder fish with fins of gold!
There're no gold-finned fishes
in the llmen!
You're trying to make fools of us?
Drown the liar!
Catch the fish, Sadko!
Catch the fish with fins of gold!
All right, honoured merchants,
I'll lay you a wager.
If I catch that wonder fish,
I get your goods.
If I don't , you chop my head off.
Is it a good wager?
What do you think,
Orkhip Sevastyanovich?
We'll get his head cheap.
- Well, what do you say, merchants?
- Agreed!
Have all of you free men
heard that?
We all did!
So be it!
When the sun rises,
cast your net, Sadko!
If you fail to catch the fish by
sunset, off goes your head!
All right!
O, Sun!
Who will join me?
Take me, Sadko!
Me too! Me too!
I'm not inviting you to fish,
we're sailing in search of happiness.
It won't be easy,
I need stalwart men.
Whoever passes my test,
will go with me.
Come on, try us.
You see? He's collecting a troop
to go fishing.
Never mind, let him amuse himself
until sunset.
We'd better build the scaffold quick.
Roll up a barrel of wine.
And get me a goodly cup.
Come up, good people!
- Test me, Sadko.
- Drink up.
No good, too weak.
Now you.
- All right.
- Here, take the cup.
Good lad. Now I'll try
to knock you down.
Hit me.
No good, either.
- Try me, Sadko.
- All right, Kuzma, take the cup.
If you keep on your feet, you're good
for my troop. If you don't , I'm sorry.
Come on, hit me, I'll bear no grudge.
Good for you, Kuzma!
Stand on my right.
Try me, Sadko!
Damn that beggar!
Look what he's up to!
No matter. His end is near.
You'll do!
- Try me too.
- Stand on my right, Vyshata.
No, I want some wine.
Drink it.
Come on, hit me!
He needs a cudgel to hit him,
not a fist.
Let it be the cudgel.
Let him wrestle with my bear -
prove his strength!
Let it be the bear. Come on.
Well, Bruin, defend yourself!
Easy, easy, you giant!
You'll kill the beast, you devil!
You're mighty strong, Vyshata.
Get in line.
Will you take me on too, Sadko?
You're much too frail.
I just look frail.
You'll find me useful.
My stomach won't take wine,
and you can kill me with a thread.
But I'm wily. Look!
How about that?
Very good, Trifon! You'll do!
You may join our troop.
Now, friends,
get me a silken net.
The sun is high.
He wants our goods, does he?
We, too, have something in store for
Let's go open our shops.
No fish!
No fish!
- No gold-finned fish!
- No!
No! No!
Thank you very much, Princess.
He got it!
I got it! Got it!
He got it!
Now you go like riff-raff, dear
merchant, crawl into our skin.
Why do you look so glum,
honoured merchants?
You've lost -
time to pay up.
Hand over the keys to your shops!
Come on, brothers! Here are the keys
to shops full of goods!
Get yourselves sharp swords,
clothe yourselves in new garments.
You used to be the riffraff,
now you are martial people.
Stint not the silks
and velvets -
give them all
to the poor folk.
Why are you so glum, Trifon?
Haven't you got a rich dress,
or you're just too proud?
What is there to be proud of?
The new dress won't make me any wiser.
But you're rejoicing too soon.
Why should I not rejoice?
Look how happy the folk are.
All fed and clothed.
Did you say all?
Take a better look around you.
- What is it?
- The people, the riffraff.
You've given away all there was in
the shops, all the goods, all you had.
Yet you made only a few happy.
On what are you going to sail
in search of happiness?
I forgot about the ships.
- I wanted to make folk happy at once.
- And you haven't .
- Lyubava!
- Sadko!
Why do you tremble so, my love?
My mother forbids me even to think
of you.
Does she think I'll hurt you?
Садко Садко

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