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renovated after the terrible fire.
-The parquet doesn't creak.
-It doesn't creak,,,,
-The ambassador of Persia!
-Excuse us for being Iate.
Sir, Iet's go.
The ambassador of His Highness the Shah...
Prince Khozrev-Mirza...
the son of the future Shah,
with his entourage.
-Do you know what is happening?
-Not yet,
We are witnesses.
Nicholas I received an apology
from the Persian emissaries...
regarding the murder of Russian diplomats.
Griboedov was one, I think.
How interesting.
Are you able to see?
What uniforms!
Luxury, empire...
Look over there. Higher.
Can you see?
Yes, I see now!
One must not trust this world. You are right.
Beware, court officials are cunning.
Some of them are mediums.
They could sense your presence.
Thank you for your advice,
We Gemini are curious by nature,
I'II move ahead.
Maybe I'II meet old acquaintances.
Good luck, I'll find you later,
Mighty Sovereign Emperor!
The peaceful nature of Persia
and the sacred union that exists...
among His Majesty and the Shah
were both upset by evil.
Under its power, a frenzied Tehran crowd...
committed unheard-of acts of evil.
The resulting victim was
the Russian mission.
The honest heart of Fetkh-AIi-Shah...
was horrified by the idea
that a handful of wrongdoers...
might destroy our peace and union.
His Majesty the Shah has sent me,
his grandson...
to request that you, Sovereign...
erase from memory this event.
Let the world know that,
despite this terrible event...
two wise monarchs,
with their infinite wisdom...
speak openly and vanquish all suspicion.
With the greatest joy, I stand before you...
Your Imperial Majesty.
I carry out my grandfather's will...
that we strengthen peace...
between our two peoples.
His Imperial Majesty...
commands me to assure Your Excellence...
of his pleasure
at hearing your explanation...
as well as the righteous plea...
of your sovereign.
I've been observing you. Who Iet you enter?
-You have no business here.
-That's correct.
Then you must Ieave at once.
Off you go, sir! Away!
-I had no intention of staying.
This ceremony will continue
for a few more hours still.
As a former diplomat, I'm aware of that.
A terrible boredom will set in. Terrible!
Leave me alone!
-And what is that?
-What did you say?
I adore Iuxury and regal splendour.
Stasov wasn't a bad architect.
He Ioved discipline,
but Ieft space for breathing.
We cannot stay here,
The ceremony will finish,
Then they will all come in,
My God!
Sиvres porcelain, my weakness!
-Yes, yes!
This is the cameo service?
Yes, it is.
Not so close, please.
What gold!
Sir, it's awkward setting the table
with you here.
You can admire it Iater when you are seated.
PIease do go away.
What pure tones!
The blue and gold are enchanting.
And the wine-sediment colour!
AIways such marvellous cooks here
in the Winter Palace.
Do you recall the taste of food?
No, I have forgotten.
You've forgotten,,,,
Visit the other salons while waiting
for the dinner bell.
-That blue!
-PIease, sir.
There's dancing. Come on.
Let's Ieave here.
-We're being chased away,
-Chased away....
It's so dark here,
I see you have never seen a tsar...
nor grand princes in all their magnificence.
-Monarchy is not eternal,
-As if I didn't know....
Don't I have the right to dream a Iittle?
We are free, you and I, Dream away,
There's someone here, Do you hear voices?
Sir, don't you hear them?
No, I don't hear anything.
Look, someone is moving there,
Mr. Orbeli, I don't understand.
What has upset you so?
You and my father know:.
No insect can harm this throne.
-It's made of silver and treated oak.
-It's not the throne.
I'm very worried.
See that velour from Lyons.
It's completely worn out.
-We'II restore it. Be patient.
-You don't have the time.
You're right, Boris.
We don't have time either.
You won't ever see him again.
Русский ковчег Русский ковчег

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- текст Руслан и Людмила на английском
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