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Роджер и я

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each other.
-What's that?
Peeing on each other and stuff like that,
when they get older.
lf you don't have separate cages for them,
then they start fighting.
Then the males castrate the other males.
They do. They chew their balls right off.
Then you have a bloody mess.
That's why you got to butcher them
when they're a certain age...
or you have a heck of a mess.
l'm on social security.
The only other income l have
is my rabbits...
for groceries, bills, and my dogs.
l also raise Doberman pinschers.
Because sometimes
l only make $10 to $15 a week...
but that's better than nothing. At least
l can buy $10 to $15 worth of groceries.
'Cause you only get paid once a month
from social security...
and that's not very much.
lt's really popular.
A lot of people come down here.
Usually some people come down.
They're only open on Mondays, Tuesdays,
Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
Saturday and Sunday, they're closed.
On the holidays, they get...
like, $1 to $2 bonus here and there.
lf you're doing this every day,
isn't your arm filled with needle marks?
They only keep it in one certain spot.
You keep it right there. Doesn't look bad.
l take some rubbing alcohol
to get the scar tissue to heal up.
Can we see it?
l only do it in my right arm.
lt's not so bad.
They only do it in a certain place,
in a certain spot.
lt's right here.
They don't track it up.
They only do it in two places.
No! My baby!
Oh, God!
FIint is best known
for its principaI industry.
But it's quickIy gaining notoriety
as a major crime center.
It's a record year for homicides
in the VehicIe City.
According to the FBI, FIint now has
the highest vioIent crime rate in America.
...crime rate is one of the highest
on the continent.
A big part of the probIem
is there aren't enough jaiI ceIIs...
for aII the criminaIs.
-l got it.
-l don't think that target would have lived.
l got two out of the ring there.
-You got three out the ring, son.
-Yes, sir.
Where is my third one?
Here's two here.
Where's the third one out of the ring?
Okay, that one's out of the ring.
Your biggest problem
is your barrel length.
We usually tell them that probably
their best protection for home...
is the short-barreled shotgun.
-Why is that?
-lt's easy to handle...
and if you do have to shoot,
you're not liable to miss.
And when they hear that pump gun...
when you rack that,
there's no other sound like it.
Usually you don't have to fire it.
They get moving pretty fast.
They'll move away.
They don't like the sound.
They know exactly what you have.
You don't have to say,
''l have a gun in my hand.''
They know it'll really tear them up.
With higher unempIoyment
creating more crime in FIint...
GeneraI Motors and the United Auto
Workers' union came up with a noveI idea.'
Train the ex-auto workers to be prison
guards and give them jobs in the jaiIs...
now fiIIing up
with their former Iine mates.
It's kind of sad in a way
to see somebody that you know...
or had done something with
on the outside being in jaiI...
or sentenced to prison
or something Iike that.
But l guess it's, you know....
The theory goes, you play, you pay.
And you get over it.
l'd have a possibility to move on.
That's what this 160-hour program
was all about.
I have a certificate now, stating that
I can appIy anywhere in the United States.
The money's not an object right now.
If I can improve myseIf, moraIIy,
the money wiII come Iater.
lt's almost half
of what l was making at General Motors...
-but l like the work a lot better.
-You'll do what?
lt's not as hot.
You don't scare me by saying that.
l'll screw your fucking ass!
l don't care what you think! l'll screw you!
You'll cope with me in a few days,
l'm telling you that now!
You don't scare me! l know my rights!
-l went to school, okay?
-What's going on?
Someone in a heated discussion
down there, l guess.
l'm going to jump you! l'll get you, man!
...a staff
Роджер и я Роджер и я

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