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is spinning. Come on.
Larry needs $26,000 or
gamblers are gonna kill him.
I'm supposed to decide
whether to give it to him.
And you want my advice?
Why me? Why now?
Because I know you think
I was a shitty father.
Thank you
for not arguing.
And I know you're a
good father, so, tell me,
what would you do?
You got
that kind of money?
I got it,
but it's gonna hurt.
I wanted to retire next year.
This'll put that off for a while,
a long while.
I never
should've had four.
You know, when you were
two years old,
we thought
you had polio.
You know about that?
Yeah, Mom once said
something. Yeah, well,
for a week,
we didn't know.
I hated you for that.
I did.
I did. I hated
having to go through that.
The caring, the worrying,
the pain,
that's not for me.
You know, it's not
like that all ends
when you're 18
or 21 or 41 or 61.
It never, never ends.
It's like
your Aunt Edna's ass.
It goes on forever,
and it's just as frightening.
It's true.
There is no
end zone.
You never cross the goal line, spike
the ball and do your touchdown dance.
I'm 64,
Larry, 27,
and he's still my son,
like Kevin is your son.
Do you think
I want him to get hurt?
He's my son.
Come on.
Oh, I'm all right.
I'll figure it out.
Who's to say
who's a shitty father?
Kevin's in therapy.
We got called to school last year
because Taylor was kissing all the boys.
Justin keeps ramming things
with his head.
My career is
in the shithouse.
You worry too much.
You always did.
Okay, let's go.
Let's get them.
Let's get this one.
Come on, you can do it!
We only need one more out! Can't
you even field a ground ball?
Matt, I'm not gonna warn you again. One
more comment, and you're out of there.
I don't care what happens.
What are you yelling at him for?
He's the only player
you've got.
Hey, Matt, we need
one more out, son.
Wherever it's hit,
you go for it!
It's the only chance
you have to win!
All right, come on, now,
don't blow it!
All right, no big deal.
No big deal.
One more out. Come on,
just relax. Play ball!
Relax and concentrate.
Let's go!
One more. Let's go.
Oh, shit!
Get it, Matt!
He's out of there!
I'm gonna
help you.
Oh, Dad.
Now, we see
these gangsters.
We agree to pay them
$1,000 a month.
They're businessmen. They'll see
that something is better than nothing.
Then, Monday morning,
8:00 a. m.,
you come to work with me
at my place.
I'm going to teach you
the business.
Plumbing supplies.
And in a few years, I'll
retire, and you'll take over.
Meanwhile, as long
as you're working,
and if you agree to go
to Gamblers Anonymous,
I'll keep paying
your debt.
That's it.
Let me just add a wrinkle.
About an hour ago, I got a phone
call from an associate in Chile.
Big opportunity.
Now, why don't I just
toddle off down there
for a couple of months,
see if it pans out?
If it does, great.
If not,
we put the Frank-Buckman
plan into effect.
Sound good?
Oh, I could use
a little...
2,000 enough?
Ample. Ample.
Well, better pack.
What about Cool?
Oh, Jesus,
that's a tough one.
This is not really
the kind of trip that...
how about if...
Don't worry about it.
My dad's going away?
He's leaving right away?
Is he ever coming back?
Would you like
to stay here with us?
Good morning, Mrs.
Huffner. Hi, Michelle.
Susan, I need
to talk to you.
Not now, Nathan,
I have a class.
I want you to come home.
This is very bad for Patty.
She can't
I gotta go.
No, wait.
No, let me go.
Listen to me.
It's bad for me, too.
I love you, Susan.
Those are words.
They don't solve anything.
I can compromise.
I can change.
Nathan, I don't think
you're capable of change.
Okay, come on, we're way behind
because of yesterday's bomb threat,
so let's get going.
Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near?
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- текст Брат 2 на английском
- текст Вертихвостки 2 на английском
- текст Алиса в Стране Чудес на английском
- текст Сети зла на английском
- текст Звёздный путь: Фильм на английском

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