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Russia's honour
while in fact they're disgracing
her before the whole world
All these nationalist extremists...
So few of today's youngsters can claim
to have benefited their Motherland
Have it ever occurred to you
that simple guys like you
even in our times, could do something
really courageous for their country?
The thing is - you, Alexei Victorovich,
have been selected
for an extremely important
and interesting experiment
You could serve. . . the nation's science
lf it's anything to do with chemistry...
or physics...
l wasn't too good at chemistry at school
lf l'll need to dissolve anything. . .
Ah, you won't need to do anything.
You'll be under research
After the experiment,
you'll get 4 days sick leave
And good money
Ten thousand rubles.
lt's like winning the lottery
So, Alexei Victorovich, do you agree?
What, you mean, sort of, l can refuse?
Well, of course
this should be your entirely voluntary
offering to Russian Science
Go on, say 'yes'. Do it
Think it over. We'll wait
Well l guess l've decided
And what's your decision?
l guess it's interesting... Science...
l guess, l agree
l didn't expect anything less of you
Now let's get the paperwork done
Go to this address after work,
here's a map of how to get there
l'll issue a pass for you -
hand it in at the reception
Come over here
How do we get to. . . what's it called?
Gnezdikovsky Lane
Gnezdikovsky? Umm
lt's in town. . .
Hey, get in, you'll show us
Well, l need to go in to town anyway
You're in luck
So, where?
Where do we go?
Can't hear you!
Listen, where do we go,
you cellulitey dupe?
Yes, l'm talking to you
l think, go straight. . .
l got that, but where next?
Try turning right
Turning right, or left?
Listen, make up your mind,
for real, where l should turn
l've had enough of your bullshit
- l think we should've turned left.
- You said turn right
Listen, Vitaly, why the fuck
you listening to this idiot?
Can't you see what he is?
He's a fag
With a capital 'F'
Yes, you
What street is it?
Where have you taken us?
Maybe ask somebody?
A police officer
Come on, Vitaly, get real,
throw him fucking out
He's spoiling my appetite
Come on, jump out!
Didn't you get it?
l said fucking jump out, now!
lt's jerks like you made
the mammoths die out
Please, it's over there
A bird seated on a crest of arm.
Let's take another one
A dog, not a cow, as some uneducated
contemporary might think
How many letters is it?
Your pass!
You're late
l got held up
Go straight ahead, then left
Two-star officer. . .
Why are you late?
- You see, l. . .
- Wait a moment. . .
Oleg, take more blood from his vein
so that there's enough for the
biochemistry and the rest of the tests
Yeah, got you
Now we'll try bt-3bc and at the end for
forty seconds, then switch on the alpha
Maybe it'll be gentler
And keep an eye on his blood pressure,
his eyesight is poor
Make sure it doesn't turn out
like last time
- What, is he here?
- Yes
Alexei, Hello
- How are you feeling?
- OK
You sound sad
- Are you upset about something?
- No
Come this way please
Take an X-ray
Don't worry, Alexei, you're a good guy
We won't do anything that
might harm you
Whatever happens to you, stay calm
We've got everything under control
- Oleg, are you through?
- Yes
Start it up
Get undressed
Over there, on the bench.
Down to your underpants
Come on
When you hear the signal, get out
No entry
Sit down for a bit. Sit...
Do you hear me?
How are you?
Feeling a little weak?
And how did you feel during the test?
What exactly felt good?
Alexei what was good there?
Was there no weakness?
So what did you feel?
OK, what else?
OK, get dressed.You're free to go
Listen, this is really important
Look at me
l'm going to tell you something
very important
lf you feel emotional discomfort
Пыль Пыль

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