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Принцесса на горошине

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18  
This time think of my head.
I have to go.
See you tomorrow.
Who are you?
What do you want?
Your head.
The suitor...
I'II free her from your speII,
accursed TroII.
I'II cut off your ugIy head
and take it to the paIace in a sack.
That wiII be the answer.
WeII, Iet's see
which of our heads
wiII faII first.
I have no use for your head,
If you die, another prince'II come.
I cannot destroy you aII.
You'd better cut off my head.
It's too heavy for me to bear.
But I doubt that
it'II bring you happiness.
Take my head to the princess,
and she wiII die of grief.
We've Ioved each other
for a Iong time.
Why don't you marry her then?
How couId a princess
marry a troII,
a hobgobIin, cursed by everyone?
That wouId have broken
her father's heart.
What no one knows is
that I'm a prince Iike you,
but enchanted.
OnIy if the Princess were
to confess her Iove for me,
wouId the speII be broken.
But she wiII never do this.
She Ioves her father too much.
Then teII her
who you reaIIy are.
No, that way
the speII wouId never be broken.
No one couId be unhappier
than I am.
So what good is my head to me?
It serves onIy to make me suffer.
Cut it off.
Try to guess for the Iast time
what object I'm thinking of.
- Why are you siIent?
- I'm waiting.
For the hangman?
I've got a head here...
No, don't faint.
It's not the head
you were thinking about.
Go to heII
with your guesses!
ShouId've hanged him right away.
That's a head of cheese
to eat on the road,
because I'm Ieaving.
And here's the one you were
thinking of!
Who Iet that deviI in here?
She Ioves him.
Let her marry him.
She's in Iove with him?
What a shame!
You're in Iove with a troII?
Oh God, how disgracefuI!
Why d'you remain siIent, Princess?
Stand up for your Iove!
Accursed deviI's spawn.
I Iove him, it's true.
That means I can hope
to have a troII chiId.
A grandchiId or two.
WeII, I prefer to have here
a midwife than a hangman.
We're going to have a wedding!
Open aII the wine ceIIars!
Theatres and prisons!
- I seem to have dozed off.
- I dreamed I saw skeIetons.
- I've got a cramp in my Ieg.
- Mine feeI dead, too.
HeIIo, handsome boy!
Why don't we get your birches
and my aspens together?
You're aIive and unmarried stiII.
My trees've burned to the ground,
onIy the ashes are Ieft.
Hey, traveIIer, wait!
Stop, pIease! Listen to me!
Stay back! Don't come cIoser!
I'm armed.
My aiming is terribIe,
but I'II get you.
- I onIy wanted to ask my way.
- Stay where you are, bandit!
You must be after my painting!
How can you, a painter,
not wish for your painting
to be seen?
- EspeciaIIy such a good one!
- Do you Iike it?
It's extraordinary!
It's the best thing
I've ever done.
I onIy hope the Princess
wiII appreciate it!
What princess?
- You mean you don't know her?
- No.
What a face, so inteIIigent,
so beautifuI and pure!
Thank you so much.
So, it's onIy your imagination,
not the way she reaIIy Iooks?
What great art!
How dare you insuIt
our princess?
No painter's brush couId
imitate such perfection!
Without her we aII wouId perish.
- Who wouId perish?
- Artists, poets, actors.
We who serve the fine arts
wouId've been dead of hunger.
She has a sense of beauty,
she has taste, generosity...
She's Iike the warmth of the sun.
I'm not impressed
either by riches or renown.
The onIy thing I prize
is creativity.
I feeI
I can expect this from you.
Do something wondrous,
something fantastic.
I'II try to.
So you'II be one
of the contestants?
Then I'II sign you up
under number... 97.
What form of art are you in?
Singing or...
Let it be a surprise.
Wasn't there someone who
canceIIed out of a better pIace?
Oh, I remember now!
The chivaIric romance writer is
stiII working on his 3rd voIume.
He'II finish aII the 10 voIumes
onIy by your goIden anniversary.
That makes you number six.
To put it better,
number one on the second hand.
If you need anything,
Принцесса на горошине Принцесса на горошине

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