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Принцесса на горошине

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get out of here.
But, Your Majesty!
- You don't know then?
- No.
Come here.
My daughter is a sweet,
weII brought-up girI.
But every one of her suitors
must soIve three riddIes.
And if he cannot, then this...
Haven't you tried
to forbid these fooIish games?
I've never been abIe to deny her
Those five guessed right
onIy once. This one...
A smart boy,
he guessed right twice.
No one managed to soIve aII three.
Oh, I Iike you so much!
Why don't you just go away?
- I feeI Iike it myseIf now.
- That's just wonderfuI.
She doesn't attract me anymore.
Get married and then come back.
Now go. That's a cIever boy!
This door wiII Iead you
to the city gates.
Come back some day.
We'II pIay chess and shoot crows.
Good morning, daughter!
You Iook nice after your ride.
Why did you come back?
Who is that?
He's just passing through...
How do you do?
You must've come a Iong way.
I'd be wiIIing to circIe the worId
onIy to have a word with you.
The Princess is tired,
she needs a rest.
WiII you excuse me? Rest weII.
Your Highness,
do not think me Iacking in respect.
WiII you stop being so cheeky?
I'm here to ask for your hand.
Why did you do that?
I aIso Iiked you the moment
I saw you.
I'd be gIad to accept,
but there're certain conditions.
I accept aII your conditions!
In that case,
there's no need to wait.
Tomorrow at noon, in this haII,
three times you must try
to guess what I'm thinking of.
Rejoice, peopIe of the kingdom!
Our Princess has a new suitor!
Good night, Your Highness,
I hope you'II sIeep weII.
- I guess I won't be abIe to sIeep.
- Of course...
Take my advice, go to bed
and put it out of your mind.
Those who thought about it
got none of the answers.
Say the first thing that comes
to your head.
For some that system worked
for the first riddIe.
The moon is high tonight!
And your horse waits downstairs.
- Where is her bedroom?
- Her window is right above yours.
If I couId see her once more,
I wouId die for her wiIIingIy!
StiII, it's easier to face death
after a good night's sIeep.
- I'm here, TroII.
- WeIcome, my Princess.
AII through this dreary day
my thoughts were onIy of you.
And to me, wandering in the forest,
scaIing the heights...
the shimmering Ieaves seemed
to be the foIds of your cIoak,
the bird's cry seemed to be
your voice caIIing me...
And then I saw you
standing there and smiIing.
But it was onIy the refIection
of a rock in the water.
Oh, a new spirit in the forest!
How handsome you are!
You must be from the new stand
of birches across the river.
How did you guess?
My aspen trees are near there.
I'm your neighbor.
Let's dance, shaII we?
I'd Iike to!
OnIy at night can we be together.
I wish that night couId reign
eternaIIy over the earth.
- I've got a new suitor.
- I know.
They need no heIp from us
to rid themseIves of the prince.
Look at me.
- He has bewitched her.
- The way you've bewitched me.
What shouId I have him guess?
Choose something simpIe.
Your sIipper, for exampIe?
- And after that?
- Think of your gIove.
- And for the third riddIe?
- The third?
You wiII not need a third.
You're expected in the throne room.
Did you sIeep weII?
As weII as Your Highness.
TeII me what I'm thinking of?
Think weII, don't rush.
I thought you'd be quicker
than that.
Let him think!
Your sIipper.
- He guessed right.
- He guessed right!
How smart he is!
How about the second thing
I thought of?
May I kiss your hand?
It wiII give me inspiration.
He can't be refused
his Iast wish.
Go ahead.
What you're thinking of
is not on your hand. A gIove.
He guessed right!
Princess, I'm going to save you.
Gingerbread for everyone!
Lemonade and chocoIate!
The third one...
you'II guess tomorrow.
His right guesses
make me desperate.
But if he can't guess the Iast one,
it wiII be so dreadfuI!
Then perhaps it's better
to Iet him guess.
If he guesses right,
I think I wiII Iie.
You're incapabIe of
Принцесса на горошине Принцесса на горошине

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