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Go back down? We just came
through there. There is no other way.
You go that way, you die.
We didn't look through every corridor.
You do what you want.
I'm getting across.
If you got a better idea,
I'm all ears--
No, Robert, I don't got another way,
but I'm getting across!
You get stuck here, you'll die!
We're going. Let's go.
-Daddy, I can't. I'm sorry.
-Dylan, can you get me across?
-Jen, baby girl, listen--
No! I haven't been in
a long time, Dad.
Chris asked me to marry him.
I love him. I need to find a way
to go with him.
-No, you need to listen to me for a second.
-I'm not going back, Dad.
I hate to break up the family therapy,
but you still looking for a way across?
Do you see him? Where is he?
Hey, did you miss me?
Son of a bitch.
-What do you need?
-All right. Take the slack.
Got it?
Hey, Ramsey! Ramsey!
Come on.
I did the hard part.
You couldn't even find your way home
from school. We lived two blocks away.
-I remember, Dad.
-Hey, Ramsey, come on!
Come on, Jen, you'll be fine. Come on!
Now, what kind of kid
can't find her way home?
I was 7, by the way.
So, what do you think?
You too big for a piggyback ride?
-Not today.
-All right.
All right, baby. Hold on.
Here we go. Hang on, baby!
I gotcha.
They're okay.
-You wanna hit me?
...you're doing pretty good. So far.
Can we keep going here?
Yeah, let's go.
This way's the best way up.
You're okay.
Let's go.
Come on!
Come on, let's go.
Look for a way up, everybody.
-I got an access hatch here!
-Over here!
Dylan, we got water coming in
over here!
Back up!
-Get back!
-Wait a minute. I got something here!
All right, get that corner.
We can't all fit in there.
We don't even know where it goes.
If we stay here, we drown. Let's go!
We gotta keep moving up.
Oh, my God!
All right. I got a vertical shaft
up ahead about 10 yards.
Looks like it leads to the upper levels.
-Might as well give him a chance...
-...to kick me in the head.
-Come on, Chris!
We're good. The shaft leads up.
-Are you okay, sweetheart?
-I think so.
Just keep on moving.
God. How the hell
did you fit through here?
Mom, don't look down, okay?
-Okay, Nelson, you're next.
-I'll be the last one. You go.
-Elena, just get in the vent.
-I'll wait here a little longer.
-You're fine.
-I can't go in there. I'm sorry, I can't!
-Elena, get in the vent.
The water's rising.
Elena, get in the vent!
-Elena, if you don't go, we don't go.
-What? What?
No! No!
Go on, go! Grab her, grab her!
You got her?
It seems congratulations are in order,
Thank you, sir.
I'm glad she finally told you.
Well, tradition might have had you
coming to me first.
Yeah, I realize that.
And I wanted to, I really did, but she
made me promise not to say anything.
She's really careful
when it comes to you, sir.
-Let me out! Let me out!
-Come on, Elena.
-You're doing great. Come on.
-Elena, take my foot!
Grab my ankle.
That's it. That's it. That's it.
-You can do it. That's it, just hold on.
-I can't breathe.
We're gonna go up now.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
I'm stuck!
Oh, my God. He's stuck.
Please, get me out! Get me out!
-Get me out, out, out!
-Hey, calm down, calm down.
Get me out of here.
Elena, you need to reach up
and help him.
I need you to reach up and help him.
Reach up.
-Conor. Conor, can you crawl up here?
Get me out! Get me out!
Get me out of here!
I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die.
Now, you feel that screw
on the other side?
-Turn it to the left.
You got it?
Elena. Elena.
Hey, hey. Nelson tells me you're on
your way to see your little brother.
Is he older or younger?
-He's younger.
Yeah, he was always so small.
Elena, you don't want your little brother
to think you didn't come.
You understand?
-No. I'm too scared!
-Just reach up and grab Nelson's foot.
-Come on.
Promise me I get
Посейдон Посейдон

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- текст Адмирал на английском
- текст Мутанты Икс - Сезон 3 на английском
- текст По закону на английском
- текст Даурия / Dauria на английском
- текст Аэроплан II: Продолжение на английском

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