EnglishTruck looks great. Must be a fortune here. I know, just not in front of him, OK? Fellas, what's going on? I've been here too long. - Give us a minute. - No. Check this out. You can't get no cleaner. These are very popular with the children. This is a federal tax stamp. You can't get no cleaner. You keep 'em if it's such a great deal. l ain't from Detroit. I don't know nobody who can handle a job this big. You're supposed to have the connections. Do what you want to do. - lt ain't easy to get rid of this. - I know, but I'm a businessman. Warm up the truck. Let's get the fuck out of here. - Here you go. - You're a sharp kid. Thank you. Cousin, my man, don't dash yet. This looks like $2,000, not $5,000. - Let me see. - The deal is for 5,000. l told my people there should be five grand. - They stiffed us. - No, they stiffed you. You can't count on anybody. But let's not hassle about it now. Take the two grand and on the next score, I'll make it up to you. Don't jerk me off. This is bullshit. l need $5,000, not $2,000. Don't do this to me. Come on, you ain't dealin' with Johnny Bananas. l know I ain't. Can I have my money? Can I say it slow for you? l need $5,000. Read my lips. $5,000 is what I need. l can't do nothing with that. You want to be an asshole, smoke 'em yourself. l don't smoke Lucky Strike. l smoke King Size Kent. Fuck this. Nice doing business with you. What you doing here? Officer, you know what happened? You ain't going to believe it. The truck just stopped. You got some cables, you give me a jump? - Don't I know you? - No, I'm from Buffalo. Break out some lD. Let's get the fuck outta here! Shit! Freeze, asshole! Foley, we should have known it was you! Axel. Way to go! - I don't have time. - Todd's after you. He said it's your worst fuck-up. l don't think that's true. - He's not in there. - I see that. lf you'd busted them, maybe he wouldn't be so mad, but you haggled. $2,000 wasn't enough. They'd have known I was a cop. - Leave me alone. - Don't go anywhere. - You asshole. - I'm not saying you did wrong, but if you had busted them, it would have been better. - Where you going? - Out of here. - Big mistake. You want my advice? - No. Go in there, talk to him. He'll be right back. Jeff, get away from me. I'm going to shoot you. - You know what I would do? - Lighten up. I'm not listening. OK? You're making it a lot worse for yourself. Look at this. Thank you, guys. Axel, you got a cigarette? - Did you write that one? - Everybody knows about the truck. Will you listen to me? l am not listening to you. Great. Real mature. l am not listening to Jeffrey, but he's still talking. - I hate when you do that. - Stop, then! - ls that fucking Foley in here? - There's Todd, it's show time. Boss, I know... Where do you come off going undercover without my authorisation? You want to play cowboy cop, do it in someone else's precinct. - Want to hear my side of the story? - What's your side of the story? Let's hear your side of the story. Do you know how much this stunt of yours is going to cost this city? Cost isn't the issue. It's my blatant disregard for proper procedure. You're damn right, wise-ass! The mayor called the chief, he called the deputy, he chewed my ass out. You see I don't have any of it left! Where the fuck d'you get the cigarettes from, anyway? - From the Dearborn hijack. - That bust went down last week. - That truck should be in the pound. - I told you. - It's none of your business. - This isn't my locker. Listen, Axel. No more set-ups, you understand? You're a good cop with great potential, but you don't know every fucking thing. I'm tired of taking the heat for you. Once more and you're on the street. - Do you understand? - Look... Do you understand me? Yeah, I understand. Boss... Chief ain't chewed it all. You still got some ass. Don't fuck with me, Axel. Not now. Go ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Элина, словно меня и не было на английском - текст Слетая с катушек на английском - текст В порту на английском - текст Турецкий гамбит на английском - текст Его звали Роберт на английском |