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Первый понедельник октября

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't apply in hospitals.
It should.
What the hell are you doing here?
Official business
of the federal government.
May I come in?
Oh, did I get you in the middle
of something? I'm sorry.
What did you do?
Just get up and walk out?
- Yes, ma'am. This is very nice.
- You're still under observation.
- It's bigger than my place.
- They don't know what happened.
They'll have to figure it out.
I can't give them more of my time.
- Dan, if it was a coronary...
- Coronary?!
My heart wouldn't dare attack me.
Now what's all this crap
about quitting?
Do you mind?
- Why don't you lie down.
- That's OK.
- Put your feet up.
- I'll be all right. I don't wanna get...
- Can I get you a pillow?
- Sure. Why not?
- Are you asleep?
- Yes.
You wanna tell me what's wrong?
Are you well enough to talk?
I'm even well enough to listen.
The other night,
you made an outrageous statement.
You said you didn't think
Donald Richards was still alive.
I got this out of a sealed
Loomis and Loomis file in Santa Ana.
It's Donald Richards'
death certificate.
Holy God.
- Anybody else see this?
- No.
This makes Omnitech
a whole new ball game.
My God, are we gonna shake up
the brothers.
Get your clothes on. We can still make
that morning conference.
- I'm not going.
- What?
I told you,
I'm resigning from the court.
Well, that's idiotic.
It doesn't make any sense.
My husband knew. Jack knew that
Donald Richards died in Costa Rica
in 1973, and he was part
of the conspiracy to cover it up.
Did you know? Did your husband
ever tell you anything about it?
No. Of course not.
Then there's no reason to resign. Get
some clothes on, let's get down there.
If there is the slightest doubt in
anybody's mind that I belong there,
I don't wanna be there.
Lady, that is extremely noble
but goddamn wrong.
What do you think I should do?
What's protocol? Write the president?
You write nobody. Keep your robes on,
let the mud fly. It won't stick.
Quitting the court
without good reason
is spitting in the face of the
government that put you there.
I've got good reason.
Because of what your husband
did that you didn't know about?
When you're married,
you're a part of them.
You're a member of the high court.
When they give you that chair
that you'll sit in for life,
something happens!
"In a moment, in the twinkling
of an eye,
"this corruption shall put on
St. Paul v. The Corinthians.
Et al. Interesting case.
But what if an incorrupt person
finds out that she's corrupt?
That's applesauce, and you know it.
I thought you'd be happy
to have me off the court.
Oh, that was before
you were on the court.
I never thought I'd ever kiss
a Supreme Court justice.
You didn't kiss me. I kissed you.
Make you a deal.
You don't resign, I don't die.
Let me think about that.
Don't we want
the working entrance?
Not this morning.
Right up the front steps.
I can't wait to get into that
conference room.
You really think we can go in there
and I can pick up where I left off?
Hell, no! Every day is different.
You're different, I'm different.
Every morning, fresh beginning,
fresh start.
- First Monday in October.
- Always.
Hey! What about the meter?
- Oh, I don't have any money.
- You liberals never do.
- $4.25.
- Here.
- Keep the change
- Thanks, Your Honor.
You know what's on the calendar
right after Omnitech, don't you?
The First Atheist Church
v. The City of Waco, Texas.
- Ain't gonna miss that one, are you?
- Community standards should prevail.
And religious freedom?
- Atheism is a religion?
- God, yes.
Oh, Dan! What about
Cook County Diocese v. John Doe?
[Skipped item nr. 1349]
- What about Smith v. U.S.?
- Miller v. Moon?
- Dalton v. Utah?
- We'll have a battle on that one.
- Count on it.
- You shouldn't climb these steps.
Why not? This is my mountain.
Our mountain.
You know something?
You and I make each
Первый понедельник октября Первый понедельник октября

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