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got a cop in my crew.
Yeah, I know. I'm kinda
getting that feeling too.
He's one of yours. Inside.
You've seen anything?
Frank, I get no access to
Queenan's undercover files.
He and Dignam run the
snitches. I'm doing my...
You know what? I thought
I was the liar.
Hey, I can explain that.
Costello recorded everything. He
put all the tapes in a little box and
kept 'em with his lawyer.
That was his insurrance.
His lawyer came to me.
Imagine that you rat fuck!
Costello trusted me
more than anyone.
Sound quality good enough?
Cos I was a little worried.
What do you want?
I told you I want my identity
back you two faced faggot.
- Where are you?
- 3 o'clock.
Where Queenan died.
You keep your cell on.
Open the door.
Open... Didn't we
already talk about this?
This is my job!
Freeze! Put your fuckin' hands up!
Put the fuckin' gun down!
Put the gun down, all right?
I came here to talk
some sense into you.
All right, just act professional.
- I can get you your money. Just
act... - What did you say?
I can get you your money.
You didn't come here to talk, right?
You came here to get arrested.
- You've got fucking
tapes... of what?
Costello was my informant!
I was a rat? Fuck you, prove it!
He was working for me,
he was my informant.
- Shut your fuckin'
mouth, c'mon. Get up!
- Whoa, what is this?
A citizen's arrest?
Blow me, all right, only
one of us is a cop here Bill,
you understand that, Bill?
- No one knows who are you!
- Would you shut the fuck up!
I'm a sergeant of
Massachussets State Police,
who the fuck are you? I erased you!
- You erased me, huh? - Yeah, go
ahead, shoot a cop, Einstein,
and watch what happens.
What happen is: this bullet go
right to your fuckin' head.
- Watch what happens? - What?
So you can't get the parade,huh?
The bagpipes and bullshit?
Fuck you, fuck you!
I'm fuckin' arresting you!
That's the stupidest
thing you could do!
Shut the fuck up!
I don't give a fuck if
the charges don't stick
I'm still fuckin' arresting you.
Drop your weapon and step
away from sergeant Sullivan!
I called you! You specifically!
Look. You know who I am,
I'm not going to shoot.
I told you to meet me downstairs.
- Help, help, help.
- Put your weapon on the deck
and step away
from sergeant Sullivan!
Where's Dignam? I
told you to bring Dignam!
Shoot this motherfucker
would you fuckin' shoot?
Drop your weapon to the
floor and we'll discuss it.
Look he's Costello's rat! All right?
I've got boxes of tapes, evidence,
other documents proving it!
Maybe you do. But right now I
need you to drop the weapon.
I told you I have
evidence cold linking
this prick to Costello, right?
- Would you shoot this fucking prick?
- You know who I am.
I'm taking him down...
downstairs now!
You know who I am.
I can't wait to see you
explain this to a fuckin'
Suffolk County jury,
you fuckin' cocksucker.
This is gonna be fuckin' fun!
Just fuckin' kill me.
Just fuckin' kill me.
I am killing you.
Did you think you were the only
one he had on the inside?
Costello was gonna sell us
to the FBI.
It's you and me now.
You understand?
We gotta take care of each
other, you understand?
I attempted to subdue
trooper Barrigan,
at which time
he drew down on me
and I was able to squeeze
off one shot
and struck him in the head.
At that time
I immediatelly checked the vitals
on both troopers Brown and Costigan.
and discovered
that they had expired.
I just wanna go on record.
I'm recommending William
Costigan for the Medal of Merit.
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord,
and let perpetual light
shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen.
May his soul, and the souls of
all the faithful departed
through the mercy of God
rest in peace. Amen.
Detail, half left.
Prepare to fire.
Prepare to fire.
Detail, half right.
I'll catch up with you guys.
What about the baby?
Hey, pup.

Читайте также:
- текст История о плавучей траве на английском
- текст Запятнанная Репутация на английском
- текст Звёздный путь: Гнев Хана на английском
- текст Иван Грозный: Боярский заговор на английском
- текст Дневник его жены на английском

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