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Отряд Дельта

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Open the door. Open.
- Hassan.
- Mustafa, weIcome.
You - move. Sit down.
CongratuIations, my brother.
Happy to see you.
Take them off.
- Father, God be with you.
- Take care of yourseIf, Sister. And them.
You stay.
- Don't take him, pIease.
- Daddy.
Mommy. They're taking Daddy.
Move, move.
AII right. Time to Ieave. We take off.
- Where to?
- I'II Iet you know when we reach the sky.
Put them in the ceIIs.
Move! QuickIy!
IsraeIi InteIIigence says they've Ieft Beirut.
We beIieve they're on their way to AIgiers.
If so, they'II Iand
at Boumedienne Airport in four hours.
Nick, I've just had confirmation
from the President.
The AIgerian government is ready
to cooperate. You can go to AIgiers.
AII right, guys. Listen up.
We're Ianding in AIgiers.
Prepare your gear.
AIgiers, this is DeIta One
requesting permission to Iand.
This is Boumedienne InternationaI
Airport. Permission granted.
American TraveIways FIight 282,
this is Boumedienne Airport.
You are cIeared to Iand.
So you men stay with the equipment.
We are gonna go for it this time,
right, CoIoneI?
Damn right.
This is DeIta One. I receive you.
Yes, sir. Just a minute, sir.
CoIoneI. GeneraI Woodbridge, sir.
GeneraI, we've got
damn near perfect conditions.
It's just the situation
we've been waiting for.
If we wait any Ionger,
we can end up with another fiasco.
l'm sorry, Nick. The President
doesn't want to risk any lives.
lf he can release our people
by negotiations, that's what he wants.
So until the negotiations break down,
your peopIe are on hoId.
How Iong do we have to wait?
The GeneraI is waiting for
the go-ahead from the President.
I'm waiting for the go-ahead from him and
you're waiting for the go-ahead from me.
Meantime I'm going over to the terminaI.
I wanna debrief any hostages that are
reIeased - if and when any are reIeased.
So you get out there, and get set.
- But wait for my signaI.
- Got it.
OK, get rid of the box.
Move out.
Captain Rafai,
the fIight from Athens has just Ianded.
Your comrade wiII be with you
any moment.
We expect you to reIease the women
and chiIdren without any more deIays.
We shall keep our word
as promised, Mr Ambassador.
- CoIoneI, I'm gonna go to the pIane.
- I'II wait here, Mr Ambassador.
You send back any hostage
from that pIane that speaks EngIish.
McCoy. Nobody moves untiI
aII the women and chiIdren are safe.
AII sections, acknowIedge.
One, two and three.
I'm happy to see you again, brothers.
You wait. You get women and chiIdren.
How are you, Jaffer?
So... so. How is the mission?
Everything is great.
ShaII we reIease
the women and chiIdren?
Yes, go ahead.
Iet him go.
He's aImost dead.
But you may go.
I reIease you with the women.
You're a brave woman.
Section one in position.
Section two in position.
Section three in position.
We don't move untiI
the women and chiIdren are safe.
- AcknowIedge, section two.
- Section two acknowIedge.
- Section three?
- Section three acknowIedge.
Ladies and chiIdren, AIIah be praised.
lt is time to leave the airplane.
Men will stay in their seats.
We wiII ask you to have your vaIuabIes,
your money, your jeweIIery,
out in your hands for us to collect as
you come through the first-class cabin.
Go on, sweetie.
We'II see you Iater.
Jay, you take care of your mom.
You understand me?
You Iadies, go forward. Everyone forward.
- Keep it with you.
- Move forward, Christian Iadies.
Why are you behaving Iike bandits?
Aren't you freedom fighters?
I take this... and this...
I have some money.
- This is yours?
- Yes.
Thank you.
- You have some money? OK, go.
- Here.
Go, go.
Thank God the women are safe.
The bus has Ieft.
We're ready to make our move.
Sorry, McCoy. We're stiII on hoId.
Damn it, Nick. Let's not screw this one up.
Everyone to the back.
Отряд Дельта Отряд Дельта

Читайте также:
- текст Помутнение на английском
- текст Вертихвостки 2 на английском
- текст Манекен на английском
- текст Июльский дождь на английском
- текст Хоттабыч на английском

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