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I once sailed with him."
You all know what I said to you!
Don't never hurry!
If you'd listened to me, now the
"Hispaniola"'d be sailing for Bermuda
with her belly full of that treasure
of Flint's.
So who stopped me?
Who kept on making trouble here?
Hands and George Merry. You've
got no heads and no memory.
I wouldn't have talked with
the doctor for no reason.
You've all forgotten the reason
we're here.
We're here for this!
You there, inside the blockhouse!
The top of the day, sir.
You're up early.
I've brought some bandages.
How's the wounded man?
He's much better, sir.
Only we have a surprise for you.
Oh, really? What is it?
I'd like to have a word with him.
I knew you would want that. It
shouldn't be difficult to arrange.
But one condition: he'll be
staying inside of the palisade.
Give me your word of honor
that you won't try any tricks.
You can have it, sir.
Only don't make haste, my lad.
They'll be at our throats if they
notice that we make haste.
I'll just walk aside
so you can talk together.
Master Jim will tell you
how I managed to save his life.
Only I nearly lost
my position of Captain.
Does that mean
you're afraid, John?
You're a good man, and you'll not
forget any of the good I've done.
You see? I'm moving aside.
Well, Jim,
we always reap what we sow.
You left the fortress when there
were only three men fit to fight.
Doctor! I would be dead now
if it weren't for Silver!
They wanted to torture me,
to find out where the ship is!
She's aground on the northern
My boy! What is it?
That's Hands. I shot him dead.
Jim, jump over the fence
and run.
- I gave my word.
- I'll take the responsibility.
That's something you wouldn't
do either.
Yes. All right.
Ben Gunn keeps saying he thinks
you're a really wonderful fellow.
I'm going to make an attempt
to save you from the gallows.
That's a right pleasant thing
to hear.
But your life depends entirely
on this boy here.
It's as clear as sunshine.
When are you going to start
looking for the treasure?
I can't hold'em back any longer.
I think it'll have to be today.
Try to gain as much time
as you can.
I'll see you soon.
Just keep the boy close beside you,
and away from the others.
Keep your distance,
as a proper captain should.
Here are some bandages and
Since I'm now a pirate's doctor,
dealing with mutineers,
I consider it my duty to make
them well enough for the gallows.
I saw how he wanted to persuade
you to desert us.
You're a genuine gentleman, Jim!
I'm grateful to you!
A tall tree on the slope of Spyglass
shoulder, a point to the N. Of N.N.E.
It ain't this. Let's find a passage.
A sailor!
I suppose you wasn't expecting
to find a bishop here.
- Is it Ben Gunn?
- It might be. The hair's yellow.
Hey, that would be Allardyce!
You mind Allardyce, Tom?
He took my knife
when he went ashore.
All six of them must be here
- All seven!
- What do you mean, seven?
Flint took six of the boys, but
he forbade us to come ashore.
They stopped upon the island a week,
while we waited on the "Cassandra".
At night we made Ben Gunn look
for those buried doubloons.
He wasn't discreet enough
I suppose.
Two days later we sighted
the longboat. Flint was in it.
A blue scarf on his head,
and a parrot sitting upon his
shoulder. This here one.
Those six boys were good lusty
salts, so was Ben...
How Flint got the better of them,
only this here parrot knows.
It chills the blood in my heart
when I think of Flint.
You missed a lot by not knowing
Captain Flint.
The likes of him aren't forgotten
so easy.
This I suppose to be an arrow
to show the trail.
Seven hundred thousand is
waiting there, close by!
Here's that passage!
George, you go in first.
Take this, sonny, and stand by
for trouble.
- By the gods! A guinea!
- Give it here!
A single guinea! No more but
just that!
Here's the guinea, you see?
Where's the 700
Остров Сокровищ Остров Сокровищ

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