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Главная / Оружейный барон

Оружейный барон

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would open a lot of armory doors
in a lot of military bases.
For a start, he was family.
He was a highly decorated hero
of the Red Army,
and he was almost permanently
I can't just sell you government
property, Yuri.
I have to report.
Report to who? Moscow?
As of last week
Moscow's in a foreign country.
New flag, new boss.
There is no new boss yet.
They're all too busy squabbling over
who's gonna get the presidential
holiday home
at the Black Sea.
It's beautiful.
The ones who know don't care any more
and the ones who care don't know.
Show me your inventory.
Those 45 years of mutual hatred
between the East and the West...
had generated the highest weapons
buildup in history.
The Soviets had guns
coming out of the demon hole.
Huge stockpiles, and now no enemy.
How many Kalashnikovs do you have?
Forty thousand.
Is that a four?
It doesn't look like a four to me.
It's more like a one.
No, it's a four.
It's whatever we say it is.
Because no one else will know
the difference?
Ten thousand Kalashnikovs for
a Your stocks are battalion.
Your stocks are dangerously
depleted, Dmitri.
You should order more from the factory.
Someone will work it out.
What happens then?
We'll cut them in.
The end of the Cold War
was the beginning of the hottest
time in arms dealing.
The arms bazaar was open.
Guided missiles, unguided missiles.
Mortars, mines,
armored personnel carriers.
Whole tank divisions.
I'll tell you what I'll do.
Buy six, you get one free.
I even landed a squadron of
helicopter gunships.
The most sophisticated fighting
built for a war with America that
never happened.
Son, get off there before you get hurt.
I can take it apart with my eyes closed.
Thanks to me,
they'd finally get to fire a shot in anger.
I have a feeling it wasn't exactly
what Comrade Lenin had in mind
when he advocated the
redistribution of wealth.
But I wasn't the only one
offering a crash course in capitalism.
I had rivals.
Inform your commanding officer
that Simeon Weisz is here to meet him.
You don't know who I am, do you?
I don't give a fuck who you are.
You're late.
So it appears.
Thank you.
My pleasure.
You sell guns?
Maybe you'd like to come to my room
and I'll show you my... cannon.
You look a little lost, Simeon.
Is the world changing too fast?
I'm here, aren't I?
Not all of you, I think.
You've gotten so rich selling for the CIA
you can't seem to get that ideology
completely out of your head.
Oh, the Cold War had its uses.
Kept the tensions frozen.
Now it's harder to determine
which side one's on.
Things have become more complicated.
No, it's gotten simpler.
There's no place in gunrunning
for politics anymore,
I sell to leftists and rightists.
I sell to pacifists,
but they're not the most regular of
Of course, you're not a true
...until you've supplied weapons
to kill your own countrymen.
This current state of chaos won't
last forever.
There'll have to be order.
Instead of cutting each other's throats,
it may be beneficial if we work together.
What do you think?
What do I think?
I think you are the amateur now,
and I think you should go with
your instincts.
With your first instinct.
I'm the same man who was not
good enough for you before...
and I'm just not good enough
for you now.
The problem with gunrunners
going to war
is that there's no shortage of ammunition.
This was the chaos
that the Old Guard had always feared.
As far as they were concerned,
I was giving arms dealers a bad name.
But they could hardly report me
to the Better Business Bureau.
And Ukraine wasn't the only former state...
with an unpaid army and stockpiles of guns.
There was Bulgaria, Hungary,
Poland, Belarus...
all there for the taking.
Of all the weapons in the vast
Soviet arsenal...
nothing was more profitable than
Avtomat Kalashnikova,
model of 1947,
more commonly known as the
Оружейный барон Оружейный барон

Читайте также:
- текст История о плавучей траве на английском
- текст Превратности судьбы на английском
- текст Приключения Хомы на английском
- текст Крулл на английском
- текст Тепловой удар на английском

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