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Оружейный барон

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maybe I never understood what
was going on in his head.
I beg your pardon.
May I see another stone?
One thing I do understand
for certain...
...is that Vitaly broke the
cardinal rule of gunrunning.
Never pick up a gun and join
the customers.
What are you doing?
Something for Yuri.
Step away. Slow.
No, Vit!
No! Vit!
Only half the guns were gone...
so I was still entitled to half the diamonds.
If I took them, I was lost.
If I left them, I was lost.
The massacre played out exactly
how Vitaly predicted.
But then, a half-dozen
other massacres
happened in Sierra Leone that week.
You can't stop them all.
In my experience,
you can't stop any of them.
They say evil prevails
when good men fail to act.
What they ought to say is,
evil prevails.
I now shared even more in common...
with the leader of that country God
seemed to have forsaken.
We saw something in each other
that neither of us liked.
Or maybe we were just looking
in the mirror.
I paid a Monrovian doctor
twenty dollars
to remove the lead from
Vitaly's body
and write a bogus death certificate.
I should've paid more.
I've smuggled millions of
rounds of ammunition,
and the bullet that lands me in jail...
is found under my dead brother's rib.
Yuri Orlov.
We're with the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, and Firearms.
Let me guess.
This is not about the alcohol or
the tobacco.
Crimean Restaurant.
Both my sons are dead.
There are only two tragedies in life.
One is not getting what you want.
The other is getting it.
Is this one of yours?
Jack Valentine finally had
what he wanted.
Curiously, the death certificate says
he died of heart failure.
Falsifying a death certificate?
That's not gonna hold me.
You're right. As usual, you are right.
Have you seen today's paper? Huh?
Fake end-user certificates.
Cut-out companies,
meticulously catalogued.
There is hardly a warlord, dictator,
despot anywhere in the world
that you're a first-name basis with.
It was your wife your trophy wife
that led us to the prize.
It's not her fault.
She's just easier to follow
than you are.
May I?
Yeah, go ahead.
Enjoy it.
What? This.
Tell me I'm everything you despise.
That I'm the personification of evil.
Responsible for the breakdown of
the fabric of society and world order.
I'm a one-man genocide.
Say everything you want to say
to me now.
Because you don't have long.
Are you paying attention?
Or are you delusional?
You have broken every arms
embargo written.
There is enough here to put you away
for consecutive life sentences.
You are going to spend
the next ten years of your life
going from a cell to a courtroom
before you even start
serving your time.
I don't think you fully
appreciate the seriousness...
...of your situation.
My family has disowned me.
My wife and son have left me.
My brother's dead.
Trust me.
I fully appreciate the seriousness
of my situation.
But I promise you,
I won't spend a single second
in a courtroom.
You are delusional.
I like you, Jack.
Well, maybe not,
but I understand you.
Let me tell you what's gonna happen.
This way, you can prepare yourself.
Soon there's going to be
a knock on that door
and you will be called outside.
In the hall there will be
a man who outranks you.
First, he'll compliment you on the
fine job you've done
that you're making the world
a safer place
that you're to receive
a commendation and a promotion.
And then he'll tell you that
I am to be released.
You're gonna protest.
You'll probably threaten to resign.
But in the end, I will be released.
The reason I'll be released
is the same reason you think...
I'll be convicted.
I do rub shoulders with some of
the most vile,
sadistic men calling themselves
leaders today.
But some of those men are
the enemies of your enemies.
And while the biggest arms dealer
in the world is your boss...
...the President of the United States,
who ships more merchandise in a day
Оружейный барон Оружейный барон

Читайте также:
- текст Гарфилд на английском
- текст Распутник на английском
- текст Майами Блюз на английском
- текст Осенний марафон на английском
- текст Там, на неведомых дорожках... на английском

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